Spouse again accuses Jolie of having a bad influence on children. Will it reach the court?

Only the fans got used to the idea of ​​the separation of the star couple and the mutual decision in the custody of the children, and again the press is full of headlines about Pitt's claims regarding the upbringing of children by the former spouse. More recently, it was announced the reconciliation of the parties for the sake of children, and now another crisis - again, discontent and accusations. According to the family, Pitt is seriously concerned about the situation and worries about the uncontrolled growth of his children. As you know, Angelina Joni, in connection with the release of a new film, went on a promotional tour and carries with her children everywhere, which the ex-spouse does not like very much. Pitt is confident that home education does not contribute to the normal development of self-discipline.

Education and upbringing are the main stumbling block?

Brad Pitt is well aware of the habits and character of children. At one time it was he who insisted on identifying them in a private school. He still believes that Jolie does a poor job of coping with her duties and does not manage to control the normal processes of upbringing. Repeatedly, moments were recorded when the children were simply not dressed in the weather.

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However, Angelina Jolie is absolutely sure that she is right, and she continues to adhere to the loyalty regime. So, children are allowed late sleep, fast food, in short, there is a complete violation of the standards of normal development and life of adolescents. It is known that at the moment negotiations are under way, however, Pitt does not intend to retreat, and if Jolie does not compromise, he will seek the solution of the problem to court.