Radiation sickness - causes and treatment of acute and chronic forms

Modern people have a remote view of radiation and its consequences, because the last large-scale disaster occurred more than 30 years ago. Ionizing radiation is invisible, but can cause dangerous and irreversible changes in the human body. In large, once-received doses, it is absolutely deadly.

What is radiation sickness?

By this term is meant a pathological condition, provoked by the action of any kind of radiation. It is accompanied by symptoms that depend on several factors:

Acute radiation sickness

Such a course of pathology arises from the uniform effect of a large amount of radiation. Acute radiation sickness develops at irradiation doses exceeding 100 rad (1 Gy). This volume of radioactive particles should be obtained once, for a short period of time. Radiation disease of this form immediately causes noticeable clinical manifestations. At doses of more than 10 Gy, a person dies after a brief torment.

Chronic radiation sickness

This type of problem is a complex clinical syndrome. The chronic course of the disease is observed if the doses of radioactive irradiation are low, amount to 10-50 radians per day for a long time. Specific signs of pathology appear when the total amount of ionization reaches 70-100 rad (0.7-1 Gy). The difficulty of timely diagnosis and subsequent treatment lies in the intensive processes of cellular renewal. Damaged tissues are restored, and the symptoms remain invisible for a long time.

Causes of radiation sickness

The characteristic features of the described pathology arise under the action:

Causes of radiation sickness in acute form:

Radiation disease with a chronic course develops against the background of:

Forms of radiation sickness

The types of pathology presented are classified separately for the acute and chronic nature of the disease. In the first case, the following forms are distinguished:

  1. Bone marrow. Corresponds to a radiation dose of 1-6 Gy. This is the only type of pathology that has degrees of severity and periods of progression.
  2. Transitional. It develops after exposure to ionizing radiation in a dose of 6-10 Gy. A dangerous condition, sometimes resulting in death.
  3. Intestinal. Occurs when exposure to radiation is 10-20 Gy. Specific signs are observed in the first minutes of the lesion, the lethal outcome occurs after 8-16 days due to a complete loss of the intestinal epithelium.
  4. Vascular. Another name is the toxemic form of acute radiation sickness, corresponding to an ionization dose of 20-80 Gy. Death occurs after 4-7 days against a background of severe hemodynamic disorders.
  5. Cerebral (fulminant, acute). The clinical picture is accompanied by loss of consciousness and a sharp drop in blood pressure after exposure to radiation of 80-120 Gy. The lethal outcome is observed in the first 3 days, sometimes a person dies within a few hours.
  6. Death under the ray. At doses over 120 Gy, the living organism dies instantly.

Radiation chronic disease is divided into 3 types:

  1. Main. External uniform radiation exposure for a long time.
  2. Inhomogeneous. It includes both external and internal irradiation with selective influence on certain organs and tissues.
  3. Combined. Uneven exposure to radiation (local and systemic) with a general effect on the whole organism.

Degrees of radiation sickness

The severity of the violation is assessed in accordance with the amount of radiation received. The degree of manifestation of radiation sickness:

Radiation sickness - symptoms

The clinical picture of pathology depends on its shape and degree of damage to internal organs and tissues. Common signs of radiation sickness at an easy stage:

Symptoms of radiation exposure to heavier degrees:

Periods of radiation sickness

Acute radiation damage occurs in 4 stages. Each period depends on the stage of radiation sickness and its severity:

  1. Primary reaction. The initial stage lasts 1-5 days, its duration is calculated depending on the received dose of irradiation - the amount in Gy + 1. The main symptom of the primary reaction is acute intoxication of the body , which includes 5 basic signs - headache, weakness, vomiting, redness of skin and body temperature .
  2. Imaginary well-being. The "walking corpse" phase is characterized by the absence of a specific clinical picture. The patient thinks that the radiation sickness has receded, but the pathological changes in the body are progressing. Diagnosis of the disease can only be due to violations of blood composition.
  3. The heat. At this stage, most of the symptoms listed above are observed. Their severity depends on the severity of the lesion and the dose of ionizing radiation received.
  4. Recovery. With an allowable amount of radiation compatible with life, and adequate therapy, recovery begins. All organs and systems gradually return to normal functioning.

Radiation sickness - treatment

Therapy is developed after the results of the examination of the injured person. Effective treatment of radiation sickness depends on the degree of damage and the severity of the pathology. When receiving small doses of radiation, it boils down to stopping the symptoms of poisoning and cleaning the body of toxins. In severe cases, a special therapy is needed, aimed at correcting all the disturbances that have arisen.

Radiation sickness is the first medical aid

If a person is exposed to radiation, a team of specialists should be called immediately. Before they arrive, you need to perform some manipulation.

Acute radiation sickness - first aid:

  1. Completely undress the victim (clothing is then disposed of).
  2. Thoroughly wash the body under the shower.
  3. It is good to rinse the eyes, mouth and nasal cavity with soda solution.
  4. Rinse the stomach and intestines.
  5. Give antiemetics (Metoclopramide or any analogue).

Acute radiation sickness - treatment

When entering a hospital clinic a person is placed in a sterile ward (box) to prevent infection and other complications of the described pathology. Radiation sickness requires the following therapeutic regimen:

  1. Cessation of vomiting. Appointed Ondansetron, Metoclopramide, neuroleptic Chlorpromazine. In the presence of an ulcer, platifillin hydrotartrate or atropine sulfate is best suited.
  2. Detoxification. Droppers with a physiological and glucose solution, Dextran preparations are used.
  3. Substitution therapy. Severe radiation sickness involves parenteral nutrition. To do this, fat emulsions and solutions with a high content of trace elements, amino acids and vitamins - Intralipid, Lipofundin, Infezol, Aminol and others.
  4. Restoration of blood composition. To accelerate the formation of granulocytes and increase their concentration in the body intravenously administered Filgrastim. Most patients with radiation sickness additionally show daily transfusion of donor blood.
  5. Treatment and prevention of infections. Strong antibiotics with a wide spectrum of action are necessary - Methylcin, Tseporin, Kanamycin and analogues. Biological-type preparations, such as hyperimmune, antistaphylococcal plasma, help to increase their effectiveness.
  6. Suppression of the activity of intestinal microflora and fungi. In this case, too, antibiotics are prescribed - Neomycin, Gentamicin, Ristomycin. To prevent candidiasis, Nystatin, Amphotericin B.
  7. Therapy of viruses. As a preventive treatment, Acyclovir is recommended.
  8. Fighting bleeding. Improving the coagulation of blood and strengthening the vascular walls provide steroid hormones, Dicinone, Rutin, fibrinogen protein, E-ACC preparation.
  9. Restoration of microcirculation and prevention of blood clots. Used heparins - Nadroparin, Enoxaparin and synonyms.
  10. Kupirovanie inflammatory processes. The fastest effect is produced by prednisolone in small doses.
  11. Prevention of collapse. Show cardiac glycosides , Nitacamide, Phenylephrine, Sulphocamphocaine.
  12. Improvement of neuroendocrine regulation. Intravenously injected Novocain, additionally used vitamins B, calcium gluconate.
  13. Antiseptic treatment of ulcers on the mucous membranes. Recommended rinsing soda or novocaine solution, furatsilinom, hydrogen peroxide, emulsion propolis and the like.
  14. Local therapy for the affected skin. On the burned areas wet dressings are applied with Rivanol, Linol, Furacilin.
  15. Symptomatic treatment. Depending on the signs available, patients are prescribed sedatives, antihistamines and pain medications, tranquilizers.

Chronic radiation sickness - treatment

The main aspect of therapy in this situation is the cessation of contacts with radiation. For mild lesions, it is recommended:

Methods, how to treat radiation sickness of chronic course in a severe stage, are identical to the methods of therapy of acute form of pathology. The intensity of medical influences depends on:

Consequences of radiation sickness

The nature of irreversible damage corresponds to the type of cells undergone ionization and the dose received. Consequences of radioactive exposure:

Radiation sickness - prevention

Preventive measures help prevent the development of the presented pathology. Prevention of radiation sickness: