Abutilone from seeds

Room maple, or abutilone, can be grown from seeds. Buy ready planting material is much easier than to germinate it, because for this you need to create certain climatic conditions. But about everything in turn.

Growing Abutilone from Seeds

Seeds can be purchased in a flower shop or, if you already have Abutilone , prepare yourself. To do this, remove from the boxes (fruits) blackened seeds and put it for a month in a dark place.

It is recommended to sow the seeds of abutilone in the spring, but since they have the property of losing their germination, it can be done at any time. The main condition is that the necessary temperature regime is observed.

For planting, we need to take a loose, but soft, soil mixture. You can get it by mixing ordinary purchase land with sand and perlite. Having prepared a place on the south window sill, we proceed to planting the seeds of abutilone:

  1. We take cassettes for seedlings, fill each groove with soil and water.
  2. We deepen each seed by 5 mm. It is also possible to germinate them in a moist napkin, then the plant will develop faster.
  3. Cassettes with crops covered with a polyethylene film and put in a warm place. The air temperature should not be below + 10 ° C and not higher than + 22 ° C. Periodically, they need to be watered and dried.
  4. After the first real leaf appears on the germ, it should be tempered. After 1,5-2 months after planting, seedlings should be planted one by one in small cups (150-200 g). They need sunlight and regular watering for growth.

In the future, care for home abutilone is very simple:

  1. Daily watering. The land should not dry out, therefore, the higher the temperature will be in the room, the more often you should water the seedling.
  2. Feeding. During the period of growth and flowering, fertilizers must be added every week. In the second case, it is recommended to use preparations with potassium and phosphorus.
  3. Pruning. Regular pinching of young twigs, not only forms the crown, but also stimulates flowering.

To make the flower feel good, he needs a small pot. If everything is done correctly, then your abutilone will blossom in autumn. While cultivating from the seeds of abutilones at home, it is necessary to take into account that you can get a completely different color of flowers than was the plants from which the seed was collected. It is impossible to store seeds very long. If you have not landed them for 2 years, then most likely they will not ascend.