Stages of pregnancy

Every future mother is interested in how a new life develops within her, and these transformations will lead to the formation of a new person. There are many ways to divide the period of pregnancy into certain stages, each of which in the developing embryo there are certain changes. We will try to characterize the stages of development of the fetus during pregnancy.

The first (early) stage of pregnancy

The initial stage of pregnancy begins 7 days before the onset of menstruation and ends seven days after the onset of the delay. During this period, a woman may feel slight malaise, a moderate pulling pain in the groin, similar to the one that occurs before menstruation, and an increase in basal temperature above 37 ° C. Some women have spotting spots in the first days of the supposed menstruation, which women take for menstrual bleeding. The most reliable sign of the 1st stage of pregnancy is the carrying out of a highly sensitive pregnancy test . But it is best to conduct a laboratory blood test to determine the chorionic gonadotropin, which rapidly increases in pregnancy.

Stages of pregnancy development by week

  1. During the first week of pregnancy, the embryo cells are actively divided, implanted into the uterine cavity and the chorionic villi grows into its wall.
  2. In the second week the cells of morula continue to grow into the wall of the uterus, and most importantly - the neural tube begins to be laid.
  3. In the third week, the main organs and systems begin to be laid: cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive and urinary.
  4. The fourth week is important because the embryo begins to form a spine and muscles, the above-described systems continue to form, and also pits for the eyes appear on the skull.
  5. In the fifth week, the cardiovascular, digestive, circulatory, urinary and respiratory systems continue to develop, and the organ of vision and hearing begins to form.
  6. From the sixth week begins to form the placenta, parts of the brain and facial muscles.
  7. In the seventh-eighth week, the face of the embryo looks like a human and already has eyes and a nose on it, the ears continue to develop.
  8. At week 9, the skeleton is almost formed in the baby, and he can move his fingers.

Stages of pregnancy development - from the embryo to the fetus

Starting from the 9th week of pregnancy, the embryo is already rightly called the fetus, and from that moment a new stage in its development begins - growth and formation of skills.

At week 10 the fetus already knows a lot - he swallows, wrinkles the forehead and moves in the uterus, but he is still so small that the mother does not feel these movements.

11-12 weeks of pregnancy is significant because the uterus reaches the upper edge of the pubic bone, and the baby is already able to respond to light and noise, sucking his finger. He behaves very actively, but my mother still does not feel it.

At 13-14 weeks symptoms of toxicosis go away, and in many expectant mothers the tummy is already beginning to appear. During this period, the baby is given the rudiments of 20 teeth, the genital organs are formed, and the pancreas starts to fulfill its endocrine function (produces insulin).

15-16 weeks are a very important stage, because during this period the placenta has already formed and performs its function.

On the 17-20th week of pregnancy a woman begins to feel the perturbations of her future baby. During this period, the brain and senses are actively developing.

From 21 weeks until the birth itself, further improvement of organs and systems takes place, as well as an active increase in the size of the fetus.

So, we considered the early stage of pregnancy, which is the most important, because it is in the first months that the laying and development of organs and systems takes place. It is also important that from the 9th week of pregnancy the embryo is already called a fetus, and its further development consists in improving the already formed organs and increasing the size of the fetus.

Pregnant women are recommended to take special multivitamin complexes. But such a complex should only be a tested high-quality preparation with a balanced composition, whose manufacturers are responsibly approaching the choice of raw materials, control of the production process and strict control of the quality of the product. In Finland, for example, this is the modern vitamin and mineral complex "Minisan Multivitamin Mama", which now appears in our country. The drug can be taken as in the planning of pregnancy, and during pregnancy and lactation. The composition was developed taking into account changes in the female body during this period. "Mom" contains a number of key elements for successful pregnancy, including folic acid, iron, iodine and magnesium.