Pale skin

The color of the skin in a person is born from birth. Some people have pale skin color. In addition, a hundred years ago, pale skin was considered especially beautiful, and women resorted to numerous tricks to whiten the skin. And for today, despite the popularity of sunburn, some lighten it. But if a person is not born with light skin color, and if he did not take measures to brighten the skin, and she gets a very pale, unhealthy shade, this can be a symptom of both the negative impact of the environment and various diseases.

Causes of pallor of the skin

In normal condition, the skin has a slightly pinkish shade, so if it becomes pale, this usually indicates insufficient blood supply. However, the reasons why the skin of the face becomes pale, can be different.

Influence of extreme temperatures

Most often it is a question of hypothermia in winter, when the skin of a face, not covered by clothing, is regularly exposed to the effects of wind and frost. Also, a sharp blanching of the skin can be observed during overheating and heat stroke.

Neuroses, stress, overwork, lack of sleep

Under the influence of these factors, the constriction of the vessels is often enough, and as a result - the difficulty of blood supply to the skin.

Iron-deficiency anemia

Iron is involved in the formation of blood cells and gives the blood a rich red shade, it provides transportation of oxygen to the cells. Naturally, its lack provokes pale skin. Anemia can be caused by bleeding (including menstrual), stomach and bowel diseases (peptic ulcer, gastritis), the use of certain medications (in particular, a large amount of aspirin) and other factors.


Reduced blood pressure can manifest itself as a separate symptom, but it can also be a sign of anemia, circulatory disorders and other diseases.


First of all, we are talking about the lack of B vitamins (especially B12), as well as vitamin A and folic acid.

Sedentary lifestyle

In the absence of physical exertion, there may be insufficient supply of oxygen to the body.

In addition to the above, the skin color can be affected by infectious diseases, severe internal diseases, hormonal disorders. It is also possible a variant of insufficient production of melanin by the skin.

The lack of melanin refers to chronic, often - congenital phenomena, and a person usually knows about such a problem. In all other cases, if you have a change in the normal color of the skin, you need to find out why the skin becomes pale and take action.

Makeup for pale skin

Treatment and restoration of normal skin color is certainly necessary, but usually it takes time, and what woman wants to look like a pale toadstool? It's good for those who do not have the disease, and the skin is pale from birth. But the rest have to urgently pick up a new make-up. Moreover, it is rather difficult to apply light skin in a favorable shade, and the defects on it are much more visible:

  1. Do not try to disguise the natural color with a thick layer of foundation and powder. It looks unnatural and often makes a woman visually older. The tonal cream for pale skin should be one, at most, two shades darker than the usual complexion. In this case, it is necessary to abandon the brown shades that will give the person unhealthy yellowness, and pick up a neutral or pink tone. The cream is applied in a thin layer, and defects are preliminarily masked with a primer .
  2. Owners of pale skin, so that the face does not seem unhealthy and tired, you need a blush. But a thick layer of blush overly saturated shades will not look good. The best thing give preference to light pink, coral and peach shades without sparkles and mother-of-pearl.
  3. Bright shadows also look vulgar, so it is desirable to use cooler and more peaceful shades.
  4. Lipstick should also be chosen not too bright and provocative, in neutral colors. Dark and excessively shiny lips are not suitable for the owner of fair skin. For evening make-up, lipstick of a rich red color can be used, but the rest of the make-up should remain at the maximum neutral, in natural tones.