What can not be done for pregnant women?

A pregnant woman is constantly prone to fears. And this is understandable, now she is responsible not only for herself, but also for the health of her unborn baby. Therefore, he listens to the advice of numerous aunts and neighbors about what can not be done by pregnant women.

What can not be pregnant: folk signs

There is a huge number of folk beliefs that forbid a pregnant woman the usual, seemingly, actions. And every omen explained why it should not be done. Let's get acquainted with some examples of folk "wisdom" that you can not do in pregnancy.

  1. Why can not pregnant women touch cats? It is believed that if a woman plays with a cat during pregnancy, her child will have many enemies. The official medicine has a different opinion on this issue. If the cat is domestic and the woman is sure that the pet has no fungal diseases, worms and fleas, it is not forbidden to play with the animal. But street cat is better to avoid. And not only to pregnant women.
  2. Why can not pregnant women lift their hands and hang on their clothes washed clothes? During childbirth, the child may become entangled in the umbilical cord. And this sign is confirmed by official medicine.
  3. The reason why it is impossible to sew pregnant women is that, thus, a woman "sews up" her child the way to our world.
  4. Pregnant you can not dye your hair and cut it. Haircut shortens the life of the child, and hair coloring changes his destiny for the worse. The first statement is difficult to verify, and the second is absolutely true. Most hair colors contain ammonia, which can adversely affect the health of the woman and the fetus.
  5. Practically the same reasons explain the sign, why pregnant women can not be painted. Low-quality cosmetics can trigger an attack of allergy. It is not known how it will affect the development of the baby.
  6. It is often said that pregnant women should not go to church. In this case, the ban on visiting a woman during the menstrual cycle is confused. It is then that a woman is considered "unclean" and she is forbidden to approach the shrines. There are no prohibitions for pregnant women.
  7. A sign, why pregnant women can not be treated with teeth, was born not so long ago. The prohibition is explained by the pain shock and imperfection of drugs used in the treatment. Now a woman should not be afraid of a visit to the dentist. The drugs used for local anesthesia are effective enough, but do not penetrate the placenta and do not harm the baby.
  8. It is clear why pregnant women can not cry. Any stress affects the development of the child. Mom, constantly crying during pregnancy, runs the risk of giving birth to a baby with disorders of the nervous system.

What categorically it is impossible to do or make to pregnant women?

As you can see, folk wisdom does not always disagree with the opinion of doctors. By the way, it is not superfluous to listen to their advice, which can not be done during pregnancy.

Among the basic rules that categorically can not be made pregnant - smoking and drinking alcohol. It is not recommended to be near a person who smokes. Even "passive smoking" can cause a delay in the development of the fetus.

It is not recommended to get involved in coffee and tea. More than 300 mg of caffeine a day causes a threat of miscarriage. Moreover, a woman "in position" often suffers from edema, so drinking more than two liters of fluid during the day is something that can not be done during pregnancy.

And at the very end we want to remind you that the pregnancy of each woman proceeds individually. Find out what is not recommended for you, you can only when you visit a gynecologist.