How to prepare for exams?

Not everyone knows how to prepare for exams correctly. Headache, experiences on the eve of a responsible day - which of us did not encounter this? But to experience and adjust yourself to the worst is a completely wrong way of preparing. Bad expectations for success will not result.

How to behave to parents, whose child is preparing for an important event? How to avoid basic mistakes?

How to help a child prepare for exams?

1. Calm the child

Psychological preparation before the exam plays a huge role. Parents can prepare the child for exams, first of all, by supporting him, instilling in him optimism and belief that everything will turn out. Do not allow the child to exaggerate the significance of an exam, otherwise he will give way to panic and will not be able to solve elementary problems. It is better to tell him that the exam is just performing the exercises that are usual for him, which are resolved the better, the calmer he feels.

2. Check its readiness

Do not leave the child alone. Encourage him to work out, solving the problems and examples that he has been going through recently. Even if you do not understand the subject, it will be useful for the child to know that you are with him, and he did not stand alone with the test. Do not criticize him at all, if you see that the decision is wrong, tell him unobtrusively where he seems to have made a mistake, and suggest that you solve the example further.

3. Invite his classmates

Preparing for exams alone is not always the best way to learn the material. It is better to prepare for the exams together, then each of the students can feel themselves in the role of a teacher and guess what additional questions he may have. Invite the classmates of the child for the time of preparation for the exams, perhaps this time its result will be better.

4. Revise the child's menu

Pay attention to what the child is eating. In his menu should be a lot of nuts, fruits, juices, fish and meat dishes, at the same time it is necessary to exclude meat products containing preservatives, sweet fizzy drinks. The latter can cause fatigue and headaches, which your child does not need now.

5. Encourage the child to pass the exam well

Promise him that immediately after the exam you will go where the child has wanted to visit for a long time, or buy what he long dreamed of. This proposal should not take the form of a threat (if you do not hand over it, I will not buy it); on the contrary, it should motivate the child internally to perform tasks in the best possible way.