Seeds of dill for weight loss

The most simple and habitual for European greens is dill . In that only it is not added - in the first and second dishes, sauces, side dishes, drinks, pickles, marinades and preserves. However, dill is appreciated since ancient times, not only for its taste qualities, but also for medicinal properties.

Use of dill

Seeds of dill can be stored for up to 10 years and they will even grow for the tenth year. They contain essential oils, phytoncides, vitamins C and B, carotene, nicotinic and folic acid, calcium, iron, phosphorus.

Thanks to this composition, fennel seeds can be safely used for weight loss and for normalizing the work of the digestive tract. Consuming it within reasonable limits, you promote the development of digestive enzymes, bile, and disinfect your stomach from putrefactive processes.

And, as you know, good work of the digestive tract is already halfway to losing weight.

In addition, dill is used as a diuretic, expectorant, and beverages from dill seeds will be useful to people with slow digestion, because dill promotes the absorption of proteins and fats.

Decoction of fennel for weight loss

Decoction of dill is used to lose weight to get rid of flatulence (which often happens on exotic diets), as a diuretic, as well as when not digesting food.

Decoction of dill seeds



Seeds should be grinded in a mortar, pour boiling water and insist 15 minutes in a sealed container. Strain and drink 3 times a day for 20-30 minutes before meals.

The danger of using dill seed for weight loss

The fact that the seed of dill is useful for losing weight is obvious, but that does not mean that for breakfast , lunch and dinner you need to eat on a bunch of this grass. The rule, the more, the better (or the worse), here does not work, and even vice versa.

With an excess of dill, and, accordingly, the substances contained in it, the pressure can drop sharply and strongly, down to fainting. Therefore, even with a harmless, since childhood, we know the grass, we must be very alert.