Depressive neurosis

Depressive neurosis is a reaction of the body to a negative situation that eats a person from within, and a person can not solve the problem.

This mental illness often arises in indecisive people who are not confident in themselves and are finding it difficult to master in a new, unknown situation. Also, people who are at risk in this situation will be self-motivated, able to control their emotions. These people do not listen to the opinions of others, the sense of duty is always in the first place, often even in an exaggerated form. At the same time, such persons have strong emotional attachments to their relatives.

Causes of Depressive Neurosis

Treatment of depressive neurosis is complex and takes a lot of time. This disease occurs because of frequent stresses, shocks of the psyche and because of mental breakdowns. May be affected by the lack of support of native people at the right time, family problems, moving to a new place of residence or a new job. Most often, people with low self-esteem, with a weak character, are exposed to this disease.

Symptoms and Treatment

The first symptom is the regular appearance of protracted neuroses. It is important to correctly determine the diagnosis with maximum accuracy, because this disease can be confused with other types of mental illness. The state of depression, apathy and causeless anxiety should also become cause for concern. Also, such a person is tormented by nightmares and fears appear.

Despite the fact that the personality remains full, the disease proceeds clearly, with pronounced symptoms. Headaches, depression, bad mood, lack of sleep and appetite are all signs of a depressive neurosis. A person is perfectly aware that he is sick, feels his condition and the degree of his heaviness. Suicidal tendencies may appear, a state of apathy, or, conversely, a patient may develop hysterics.

The most important thing in this case is to correctly determine a person's diagnosis, then it will be possible to cope with the ailment. First, tune in to a positive outcome of treatment, psychological mood plays an important role in the fight against depressive psychosis. Hypnosis sessions can help in the treatment of this disease, and the doctor can prescribe an antidepressant if necessary. Homeopathic remedies are best not to get carried away, you must first discuss their reception with your treating doctor - a psychiatrist. With proper treatment, you will get rid of this diagnosis without consequences and in a short time.