How to cook chicken thighs?

Chicken meat is the most common meat for most people in the world. One of the most delicious parts of a chicken carcass is thighs, there is a lot of meat on them and it is not as dry as on the breast.

There are a lot of interesting recipes, but in any case, you should choose fresh cooled chicken thighs from local producers, although, of course, frozen ones are also suitable.

How it is possible to prepare tasty chicken nibbles in an oven?

The genius and grace of this recipe is that besides meat and salt we do not need almost any other products.



Cooking can be in the form with a rim and a lid or use foil. We include the fire in the oven beforehand. Defrosted and washed thighs dry with a clean napkin and slightly salted. Lightly heat the form and grease with chicken fat. We spread the thighs on a baking sheet, cover it with a lid or tighten it, we pack it with foil. We now put the form in the oven for half an hour, the optimum temperature is about 200 degrees.

Remove foil or cover (you can sprinkle meat with water or beer, about 50 ml) and send the form to the oven, then let it bake in the open. The temperature is slightly lower. Acting in this way, we will get delicious aromatic baked chicken thighs with a ruddy crispy crust. If you want, serve separately cooked sauce . The garnish is suitable for any dish, you can choose a light dining room or beer.

It's very possible that you usually cook chicken thighs, well, but if this ingenious simple recipe is boring, then for you the next one.

How to cook chicken thighs without a bone in a frying pan?

This dish is in Pan-Asian style.



Meat and skin are cut from the bones - this will go to the broth. Pure fillets cut into small pieces, sweet peppers and onions - short straws. Meat with onion and vegetables fry in sesame oil on a heavily heated frying pan. Reduce the heat and drive for 15 minutes. Actively shake the pan and mix the contents with a spatula. The total cooking time is no more than 20 minutes. By the end of the process, add lemon juice and / or lime, hot pepper, garlic and greens. You can add a little soy sauce. As a side dish, it is better to choose rice, noodles and / or a young string bean in this option.