What does the name Lilia

Lilies inherent artistry, stubbornness and emotional flexibility, she is a dreamer and an inventor.

The name Lilia is associated with the plant of the same name and in Latin it is translated as a "white flower".

Origin of the name Lilia:

The name Lily came from the name of the flower - lily, and came to our speech from Latin.

Character and interpretation of the name Lily:

Lily's babies are home tyrants. The innocent look is combined in them with cunning and resourcefulness. They know their parents well, they can make up for themselves, and, if necessary, press on pity. Demanding toys, clothes, school supplies, want to stand out, be the most beautiful. Lilies are calm and tidy, do not like noisy games, where you can bump or stain clothes. At home, they are rarely conflicted, instinctively understand when to stop. With peers sociable, but sensitive, often complain to the elders that they were offended, knocked or pulled by the hair. In adolescence, their character straightens, Lilia the girl is not so demanding and begins to acquire prudence and patience.

In the work of Lilies are responsible and accurate. They do not like responsibility, they are not suitable for leading posts, but they do a good job with work that requires patience, attentiveness and good nature. They are very good librarians, teachers of elementary grades, nurses and nurses. By nature hardy, have a large reserve of physical and mental health. Sensitive to other people's sufferings, they try to help not only with words, but also with deeds. They do a good job of tasks that do not require abstract thinking, they do not give good global arguments. Life is also preferred here and now, if planning is necessary, they are lost, nervous. They keep themselves in good hands, but do not tolerate emotional pressure, give in to suggestions, complex. Lily has a strong will, but has no practical application. Identified with the purpose of Lily is able not only to find the lever and the fulcrum, but also to turn if not the world around, then its character - for sure.

Lily's friends mostly with women, with men prefer to flirt and flirt. Personal life Lily - often the subject of envy and stormy discussions on the part of her friends. Family life, love and marriage for Lily are more important than work and career. She is capricious, demands a lot from the fans, she is not very clever or inventive in bed, but she enjoys her own superiority. Ideally, if Lilia finds a man older, smarter and more patient.

In a marriage, Lilies are faithful, devoted to their husbands, always on their side. Exposed to frequent changes of mood, and with this spouse should just accept. Sometimes Lilies are sloppy and negligent in running a household, because of this they are in conflict with their mother-in-law. Out of curiosity, Lily is capable of treason, but carefully conceals her infidelity and this secret does not betray even in the hottest quarrel with her husband. They appreciate and cherish family well-being, they are hard at the divorce. It's difficult to think that Lilia will be a good mother, but she brings up the children perfectly, attentively and lovingly.

Interesting facts about the name Lilia:

"Winter" Lilies are moral and exacting to themselves, "autumn" - phlegmatic, sometimes a little slovenly. "Summer" and "spring" talented actresses, are prone to deception, but are benevolent and unconcerned.

Her relations with Roman, Peter, Eugene, Felix, Victor and Yuri are smoothly and successfully built. Poorly suited to her a man named Paul, Roman, Ignat, Nikolai and Cyril.

Name Lilia in different languages:

Forms and variants of the name Lilia :

Lily - the color of the name : white

Lily flower : kaal, lily

Stone Lilies : pearls

Nicky for the name Lilia : Flower, Flower, Gem, Lily, Lila, Rainbow, Pearl, Mother of Pearl, Lilo and Stitch, Lila