Chicken galantine

Galantine - a traditional dish, formed in the French culinary tradition, is a type of jellied. Prepare galantines from non-fatty varieties of meat (veal, chicken, rabbit, lean pork), and sometimes from fish. As a matter of fact, it is a roll, boiled on pair or in a broth or baked with a gelling stuffing. The name "galantine" comes from the old French word meaning "jelly". This galantine is executed very elegantly and refined, with a special French chic. To people who are not sophisticated, it may seem that stuffed chicken and galantine are different names for the same dish. To think so wrong. Each dish with a certain name, including chicken galantine, skilful chefs cook, following certain recipes and cooking principles.

How to cook galantine?

Of course, the preparation of galantine requires some effort and time, but the process is not as complex as it might seem at first glance. Chicken galantine should look beautiful on the cut, so it can be cooked with mushrooms, with asparagus, with apricots and many other products that match to taste and color shades with chicken.

So, we are preparing galantine. The recipe is not very simple, but the dish is worth the time.



How to cook chicken galantine? The first stage is the preparation of the skin of a chicken. Remove some of the wings on the second joint with a sharp knife. We make a cut at the base of the legs, cutting through the skin to the bones. Turn the chicken down the breast and make an incision on the skin from neck to tail. Gently remove the skin, trying not to damage, cutting a knife connective tissue between the meat and skin. When we get to the wings and legs, push them inside, as if we are removing tight clothes. You should get a layer of skin with four holes. We cut it, forming a rectangle. We lay a small baking tray with food film and lay out the chicken skin down on it with the outside. Straighten and place the baking tray with the skin in the freezer for about 15 minutes.

Cooking stuffing

Chicken flesh is removed from the bones, we remove the tendons. From the bones with the remains of meat we will prepare the broth (in a small amount). Cut out the fillets so as not to damage the even pieces. From the rest of the meat we make minced meat. We will wrap the meat in a food film and place it in the refrigerator before cooking. Slightly add salt and pepper the fillets. In the pan with the hot oil we will lay out the breasts and fry them from both sides to a golden hue on medium-high heat. Remove from the pan and cool. Put in the same frying pan finely chopped onion and garlic. Fry until light transparency. Add Madera and mix. We drop to half the volume of the liquid and shift the mass into the bowl. The remaining red meat, cut from the chicken (all that is not fillets), together with the liver and the diced bum, will pass through the meat grinder. Transfer the mince into the mixer bowl, add the cream, egg whites, add salt, pepper, add the spices and onion-garlic mass, mix everything with a mixer until the texture is relatively homogeneous. Add pistachios, mushrooms and mix without whipping.

We collect galantine

Cut out a piece of medical gauze about 40 by 60 cm. Put it on the chicken skin down the outside. In the center we will lay out half of the forcemeat in the form of a rectangle (approximately 10 by 20 cm). On top lay out the fried chicken breasts and the next layer - remaining minced meat. Curl the skin, forming a roll. We wrap the roll in gauze as tightly as possible, twist and tie the ends around the edges. We will tie the roll with a chef's thread. Let's cook galantine in broth for 40 minutes. We will extract and place between the two boards, and we press it from above with a load. Let cool and put in the refrigerator for an hour or two. Immediately before serving, we remove the gauze and cut the galantine slices. Beautifully lay out on an oval serving dish, and along the edges lay out a slice of lemon, olives and twigs of greens. To the galantine cooked according to this recipe, we will give Madeira.