Oatmeal pudding Izotova - benefit and harm

The benefits of Dr. Izotov's oatmeal are enormous and there is practically no harm at all. Oats have traditionally been used in agriculture for feeding pets, it also produced flakes, flour, and oatmeal. It has long been seen its healing properties.

Oat composition

The composition of this cereal includes various amino acids, minerals, vitamins A , B1, B2, B5, PP, fats. The most valuable property of oats is its ability to excrete cholesterol from the body.

The optimal form of using oats in nutrition and therapy is jelly. Since any oat fraction contains a large amount of starch, it is not difficult to prepare a kissel from it.

Particularly useful for the organism is a jelly from oat flakes of Dr. Izotov. Its specificity is that its components are fermented with a kefir stick. Thanks to this, the nutritional and therapeutic value of the product is greatly increased. This kissel stimulates metabolism, normalizes the work of the digestive system, is unusually useful for the pancreas, kidneys. Let's look at how to cook oatmeal jelly Izotova

The recipe for oatmeal jelly Izotova



In a coffee grinder we crush oat flakes and grains. We add kefir there and carefully, you can blender, so that there are no lumps, we mix. Dissolve the resulting mixture in warm, purified water and pour into a glass jar. Close tightly (lactobacilli for dividing enough air under the lid) and put in a warm dark place for two days.

The fermenting mass is filtered. First, using the colander, we easily strain 1.5-2 liters of liquid, we obtain a filtrate of high acidity (used for the treatment of pancreatitis, liver diseases).

Remaining in the colander flakes are washed over a clean vessel with one liter of purified water - so we get a low acidity filtrate (used for hypertension, stomach ulcer, poisoning).

We defend both liquids for ten to twelve hours. Subsequently, the filtrate in both vessels is divided into two fractions - kvass and sediment, which is used for the preparation of Isotov's jelly. It can be stored in the refrigerator for about twenty days. Two or three tablespoons of concentrate diluted with kvass or water, put on a slow fire and brought to a boil. Before consumption, you can add or sweeten the jelly, you can add dried fruits.


There are practically no contraindications to oatmeal jelly Izotova. It is important to observe the measure and not overeat.