Cascade fasting

The best diet is giving up food, is not it? It is refusal of food and implies cascade fasting , which is aimed at rapid weight loss, due to endogenous nutrition. About everything in detail and in order below.

General facts

The method of cascade starvation for weight loss involves several cycles of alternation of complete failure of food and contact with water (do not wash, do not wash dishes and do not even brush your teeth), and dietary intake cycles.

The effect is achieved due to the onset of an endogenous crisis in the days of hunger - the body begins to eat its tissues. It is at this moment that the transition from hunger-strike to food is carried out.


Just so, you can not go to dry cascade fasting. First of all, you need to visit a doctor and tell you about your intentions. Patients (any diseases) in any case can not start this method of losing weight. A hunger strike is a huge stress that can exacerbate all chronic diseases.

Further we carry out gastronomic preparation:

  1. Three weeks before the start of weight loss, you refuse meat, salt and sugar;
  2. For a week we pass to the vegetative menu, and it is necessary to reduce portions by 75%, and not eat after seven.


The standard type of cascade fasting is hunger and food every other day, then two days later, then again through one, and so on up to five cycles. A simplified scheme means one day of hunger, two days of food, then two days of hunger and three days of eating. Up to five repetitions.

There is also a free scheme - it's a kind of combination of cycles for your needs and opportunities. The main thing here is to alternate.

Remember - cascade starvation is not carried out on water, the decisive factor is the absence in the days of hunger of any liquid!


Naturally, after such a regime it will be fatal to immediately switch to pasta and pork. Thin, finished, rejoice, but not too much.

First you can drink warm herbal decoctions and take a bath. You can only after water procedures. Start with a liquid protein meal - light broths, kefir, yogurt, fermented baked milk. Two or three days stay on a sour-milk diet, and then, add vegetables and cereals.

Losing weight by cascade starvation is created for healthy and purposeful people. A few cycles will not take so much excess weight, but the result will be fixed for a long time, the body will be cleared, and the metabolism is established. Of course, during such cleansing, neither smoking nor alcohol is recommended.