Paranoid schizophrenia

Paranoid schizophrenia is a disease that is a special form of schizophrenia. Its feature is pronounced delirium, hallucinations, inadequacy. Schizophrenia with paranoid syndrome requires mandatory examination from a psychiatrist and treatment, usually in a hospital setting.

Paranoid schizophrenia - causes

Despite the development of science, at present it is not known exactly why a serious illness develops, like paranoid schizophrenia . The scientific community puts forward the following versions:

  1. A common version is an experience due to a lot of stress . The emotional background strongly influences the state of the psyche, because of which an emergency situation may well serve as the starting point for the development of schizophrenia.
  2. Education in childhood . Psychoanalysts argue that children who have not received enough maternal love constitute a large percentage of all people with schizophrenia. If the emotional connection was too weak, and the mother - a controversial, terse and cold person, schizophrenia can be a real threat.
  3. Age crisis. Psychiatrists have noticed that often the onset of the development of schizophrenia coincides with the entry into the crisis period of life - 17-19 years, 20-25 years.
  4. Hereditary predisposition. Schizophrenia was not included in the official list of diseases that are transmitted genetically, but this version persists, since the risk of getting schizophrenia is much higher in those people in whose genus such cases have occurred.

The scientific community has not come to a common opinion today, therefore all versions exist on an equal footing.

Paranoid schizophrenia - signs

Do not notice the symptoms of paranoid schizophrenia is almost impossible, because they are all very bright and give their owner a lot of inconvenience. These include the following features:

All these symptoms often coexist in parallel, which makes a person quickly immersed in another reality, recreated by the affected consciousness, and does not perceive the surrounding reality.

Paranoid schizophrenia - treatment

In this case, any self-treatment and attempts at friendly assistance are completely useless, the patient must necessarily show a good psychiatrist. Until he became dangerous to himself and others. The sooner therapy is started, the more chances for recovery are. If you postpone the trip to the doctor, the disease can aggravate and take severe forms.

As a rule, the doctor prescribes psychotherapeutic treatment and medication. It is difficult to predict how the body responds to treatment, so the vector of therapy can change, based on whether there are positive changes.

The patient in this state is very important support of relatives, their attention, care and care. There are cases of real getting rid of the disease and returning to a normal state. Of course, it will be possible to give up supporting therapy only after 5-10 years, but all this time a person can live a normal, full-fledged life if he is helped in time.