Temperament and personality

We are all different in our own way. And, often, it manifests itself in actions, and in the manifested nature, temperament, interests, values, aspirations of the goals set. Let's take a closer look at the relationship of temperament and the nature of its origin in the personality of each individual.

The influence of temperament on personality

  1. Sanguine . Such people are very lively and interested in responding to developments. They can laugh out loud or get angry at irrelevant facts. Sanguine possess resourcefulness and determination. Moreover, they quickly move and talk, adapt to change. It will not be difficult for them to immediately join the new work.
  2. Choleric . Unlike sanguine, it is difficult for him to restrain his feelings and switch attention from one type of activity to another. He is characterized by quick temper, incontinence, impatience, and sometimes unrestraint. But choleric people possess stability in their life positions and great perseverance. Such a temperament, acting as a property of personality, helps them to remain single-minded, to be loyal to their ideals.
  3. Phlegmatic . People of this type often remain unperturbed by external factors. They calmly react even to great troubles. Presence of smoothness in movement, monotony of speech, mild expression. Phlegmatic is very difficult to adapt to changes and change the routine of the day.
  4. Melancholic . These people are quite vulnerable and sensitive, are capable of crying for a minor matter. As a rule, these people have inexpressive movements and facial expressions, a quiet voice. They find it hard to believe in themselves, so they drop their hands at the slightest difficulty. Easily tired, working at a slow pace.

In conclusion, it should be noted that temperament and personality in psychology represent a general characteristic of individual behavior. It is customary for each to distinguish features of a certain type. But it is important to remember that the personality temperament and its characteristics can change with the years, in the process of changing views on life, changing priorities.