Temporary Tattoo

In the life of every person comes a time when you want to somehow express yourself, emphasize your "I", experiment with appearance. Tattooing - a great way of self-expression: symbolic, individual, original (in most cases). The only problem - it is for life!

There is a way out: temporary tattoos - color, black and white

A real tattoo is such a "decor thing" that is done once and for life. Of course, modern technology allows you to remove tattoos, but such pleasure is quite expensive, and even after the procedure, there may still be some traces on the skin. If the soul is tormented by vague doubts, a temporary tattoo is a great way to check if you are ready to decorate your body with a drawing on an ongoing basis. Externally, temporary tattoos do not differ from permanent ones. There is only one significant difference - from the temporary "decor" you can get rid by yourself at home as soon as he gets bored.

Speaking about the advantages of temporary tattoos, you can distinguish several basic nuances:

  1. Longevity - how long a temporary tattoo will last depends on the quality of the material. On average, the service life ranges from a week to a month.
  2. Safety - for tattoos use materials that are harmless to the body, not causing allergic reactions.
  3. Accessibility - a temporary tattoo is much less expensive than permanent.
  4. Timing is, perhaps, the most important advantage. I wanted to - I erased the picture forever, I wanted it - I painted a new one, I wanted it - the old one brought it up. Full freedom of action at an affordable price.

Where, how, and how best to do a temporary tattoo?

Although a temporary tattoo can be done with the support of a knowledgeable and able to draw a friend, it is best, of course, to seek professional help from specialists in professional salons. Here you probably know what you can draw a temporary tattoo, and how to make the drawing attractive, spectacular and durable.

The most popular materials used for temporary tattoos are:

  1. Henna (red and black) is a natural material. Drawings of henna keep on the skin for up to a month, without losing sight. Henna is natural and completely harmless.
  2. Sequins and special paints, which are held on the skin due to harmless, hypoallergenic glue.
  3. The last cosmetic trend is a gel marker for temporary tattoos. In fact - the same eyeliner. The difference is that the skin keeps on for about a month, without fading, not disappearing, without deforming the pattern.

There is another method that everyone has experienced in childhood - translations. Remember, before - the most precious gift in gum? Of course, professional stickers and translations on the body, which are commonly referred to as "temporary tattoo", are very different from those found in chewing gums (both in quality and in meaning), but the essence is the same!

If you want to paste a pseudo-tattoo you can do it yourself at home. As in childhood: wet in water, paste on the right place, wait a bit and carefully remove the base paper. Buy stickers can be in any store or salon, where there are cosmetic means.

To keep the temporary tattoo on the body for as long as possible, you should first prepare: clean the area of ​​the skin on which the pattern will be applied, carry out the peeling procedure, and make depilation . On the exfoliated smooth skin, the pattern not only lies evenly, but also lasts longer.

Of course, once the pattern begins to lose its appearance, it is better to get rid of it, especially if the picture is "stuffed" in the most prominent place.