Exercises on the ball for losing weight

First of all, a fitball or gymnastic ball has always been used to treat diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

More recently, he has become a true companion to the lives of those who struggle with excess weight and strive for a beautiful figure. Exercises on a large ball are not force exercises, which is why the fitball has no contraindications. Consider the benefits of exercises on the ball for weight loss .

  1. If you have heart problems or there are diseases of the spine, you, of course, are contraindicated in heavy workouts in gyms. But fitball does not apply to them. You can effectively lose weight without harm to health.
  2. The addition of any projectile introduces a variety and a new load in the training process. The complex of exercises with a gymnastic ball will return love to the sport, and also transfer you to a new level of studies.
  3. Fitball is one of the most comfortable shells for home use. In addition to not taking up space, it will become a bright flash in your interior, you can always use it as a chair to sit at the computer, for example.

And now let's start exercises for weight loss on the gym ball.

  1. Spaced his legs wider than his shoulders, we take in hand the ball at the chest level. Squat, picking up the ball. We stand up, dropping the ball - 20 times.
  2. We continue to crouch. The ball on the squat is raised above your head and stand on your toes - 20 times.
  3. Feet together, the ball is in the hands. We raise and wind back the right leg, pull the trunk together with the arms and the ball forward. We return to the IP, repeat 20 times on both legs.
  4. We do one more approach of squats with the ball raised on the chest level.
  5. The second approach with the retreat of the foot back, and the ball forward.
  6. We do stretching of the dorsal muscles. We put the ball on the floor, bend the legs in the lap, hands on the ball. We keep the situation. Straighten the legs, hands remain on the ball, keep the position.
  7. We lay down on the ball, we rest on the floor with our hands. We make three ascents with the right foot, without lowering it to the end on the floor. For the third time we leave the leg hanging and we make three bends to the side. We repeat to the second leg.
  8. We lift both feet and divide three times.
  9. We make the second approach to Exercise 7.
  10. We make the second approach to Exercise 8.
  11. We do stretching the back in the sitting position.
  12. We lay down on the back, put our feet on the fitball. Hands along the body on the floor. We swing the buttocks, raising the pelvis upwards - 20 times.
  13. We bend the legs in the lap, feet on the fitball. We continue lifting the pelvis - 20 times.
  14. We connect the exercises - the legs are bent, raise the pelvis with the straightening of the legs and pushing the fitball. Bend the legs returning the fitball to its place - 20 times.
  15. We put the ball between the half-bent legs. Raise your legs to the chest level and intercept the ball with your hands. Hands are taken back behind the head, we lower the legs. We return hands with the ball to the chest, and raise our legs and intercept the ball. We lower the legs with the ball to the floor - 20 times.
  16. Swing the press. The legs are bent to the side, half-bent. Hands with the ball behind your head. We rise completely, we make movement forward to the knees and up above our heads. We return to the floor. We repeat 20 times.
  17. We make the second approach to Exercise 15.
  18. We make the second approach to Exercise 16.
  19. We finish by stretching our backs standing.

Selecting the ball

As you can see, with the ball you can perform exercises for buttocks , legs, press, and, even, hands. If you are going to study at home, then you need to choose the right fitball for yourself.

First, the color. If you often feel a breakdown, it is advisable to choose bright shades. Well, if you are often irritated, you are not averse to fits of rage, you better choose soothing tones - green, blue, turquoise.

The size of the ball depends on your dew:

However, the easiest way is to sit on the ball in the store and if your legs are at a right angle, then fitball is just right!