Test for first-graders before school

Loving and caring parents always want their child to study well in school, and all the lessons were given to him easily and simply. To ensure that the school program is not too difficult for a new student, it is necessary to prepare it well for entering the first grade.

In the process of preparing for enrollment in school, parents should monitor how well their child develops. Today, there are many tests for six-year-old children in front of the school, which will make sure that your baby is well acquainted with the necessary information, or to identify existing problems and come to grips with their development.

In this article, we offer to your attention one of such tests, with which you can understand what a child should know before school, and determine the level of development of your son or daughter.

Test for future first-graders before school

To assess whether your offspring is ready to enter school and if he can master the school curriculum, you need to ask him a few questions, namely:

  1. What is your name, surname and patronymic?
  2. Name the name, surname and patronymic of the pope, mother.
  3. Are you a boy or a girl? Who will you be when you grow up-an uncle or an aunt?
  4. Do you have a sister, brother? Who is older?
  5. How old are you? And how much will you be in a year? In two years?
  6. Is it evening or morning (day or morning)?
  7. When do you have breakfast - in the morning or in the evening? When do you have lunch - in the afternoon or in the morning?
  8. What happens before - dinner or lunch?
  9. Where do you live? What is your home address?
  10. Who does your mom work with, your dad?
  11. Do you like to draw? What color is this pen (pencil, grater)?
  12. What time of the year is summer, winter, spring or autumn? Why do you think so?
  13. When can you ride a sled - in the summer or in the winter?
  14. Why does snow fall in winter, but not in summer?
  15. What does the doctor, postman, teacher do?
  16. Why do you need a call, desk, board at school?
  17. Do you want to go to school?
  18. Show your left ear, right eye. Why do we need ears, eyes?
  19. What animals do you know?
  20. What kind of birds do you know?
  21. Who is more - a goat or a cow? A bee or a bird? Who has more paws: a dog or a cock?
  22. What's more: 5 or 8; 3 or 7? Count from two to seven, from eight to three.
  23. What you need to do if you accidentally broke someone else's thing?

During the questionnaire, write down on the piece of paper all the answers of your child, and after a while evaluate them. So, if the kid fully and correctly answered any question, except those listed under the numbers 5, 8, 15, 16, 22, he receives 1 point. If on any of these questions the child gave a correct but not complete answer, he should get 0.5 points. In particular, if the future first-grader could not fully specify his mother's full name, but said only "Mamma's name is Tanya," he gave an incomplete answer, and only 0.5 points are assigned to him.

When assessing the answers to questions No. 5, 8, 15, 16 and 22, the following should be taken into account:

After evaluating all the answers received, you need to calculate the amount of points that will indicate whether your child is ready to go to school. So, if in the end he received more than 25 points, the baby is fully ready for the transition to a new standard of living. If the final score is 20-24 points, the readiness of your child is at an average level. If the child has not received 20 points, he is not ready for school, and it is necessary to carefully deal with it.