SDA for schoolchildren

Rules of the road must know all its participants - drivers and pedestrians, adults and children. Ignorance of these rules does not absolve us from the obligation to adhere to them, otherwise there may be trouble.

It is the duty of parents to familiarize their child with the basics of traffic rules, especially with the rights and duties of pedestrians. Tell the child about the rules of behavior of children on the street, about what situations can happen on the road, for which you need road signs and traffic lights. The earlier your child learns that it is not allowed to cross the road in the wrong place, the better.

In primary and secondary school, the main role in teaching children rules of the SDA passes to teachers, for which special lessons are held. These practical exercises may include the following actions:

The purpose of these classes is to ensure that all students are well-oriented on the road, understand the principles of the movement of cars and know their actions in various non-standard situations that can happen to everyone.

Below, for an example, the basic rules of pedestrian traffic are presented, which are the basis for teaching children rules of the road. These things should be learned by heart any schoolboy!

  1. On the sidewalks you need to walk, keeping to the right side. Cars also go only on their own strip - on the right.
  2. Cross the street only to the green light of a traffic light or on a pedestrian crossing.
  3. Crossing the road, make sure that there is no danger in the form of fast approaching cars.
  4. Leaving the bus, do not rush to get around it: wait until he leaves the bus stop.
  5. Crossing the wide street, look first to the left, and if there are no cars, you can go. Then stop, look to the right and only then cross the road.
  6. Do not run out onto the roadway, without looking, if there are any moving cars nearby.

Games for the knowledge of traffic rules

You can also play with the guys in the game "Prohibited - allowed." The teacher reads out the action, and the students must answer, you can do it or you can not, or even better - raise the card with the desired color (green or red). Here are examples of such actions:

A wonderful method of fixing the information obtained is games. For schoolchildren of 7-10 years you can use improvised materials in the form of machines, soldiers, painted signs of traffic. Let each student show how to cross the intersection correctly, what to do in case the traffic light does not work, etc. A good option is to complete the drawing "My way to school", at which the child should depict a simple plan of the terrain with the roads that he crosses daily.

For training older children, tests for knowledge of traffic rules, which are offered by traffic police websites, will do. Excellent motivation will be knowledge of the theory, which is useful to pass the exam for the right to drive.