The child shakes his head

Many vigilant mothers begin to panic, noticing their children are unusual behavior before them. One of the reasons for the frustration of parents is that a small child shakes his head. I want to immediately reassure mom and dad: this behavior is typical of quite a few children up to 3 years old. This common effect begins among toddlers aged 5-7 months and can last for several months and years.

Why does the child shake his head?

Specialists, as a rule, call several reasons:

How to help the baby?

First of all, parents should find out why the baby shakes his head, and then, having eliminated the reason, think about how to avoid repeating this behavior in the baby. If the child shakes his head in a dream or when falling asleep, then it can be helped by setting a certain evening ritual: a warm relaxing bath, reading a fairy tale or listening to quiet quiet music. Also, while falling asleep, you can stroke it on the foot or back, it will save and while shaking your head in a dream.

The child often shakes his head from the lack of attention from the parents, so it is very important to make sure that he has enough. Put off all your important things and play with the baby, hug the crumb more often and say how you love it. If this does not help, then try not to focus your attention on the behavior of the child and do not scold him, maybe he just hurts. In such a case, protect the child from injury, making sure that around him there were no things about which he could get hurt. Those parents whose child shakes his head before going to bed will advise you to periodically check the baby crib for the presence of protruding screws or studs, but in no case do not cover the baby with pillows and blankets, this only creates a threat to suffocation, quite thin soft bumpers fixed on the sides cribs.

If your child shakes his head involuntarily, does not react to your attempts to distract him from this activity, does not want to communicate, does not focus the look, then this may be the reason for calling a doctor, in order to exclude the possibility of a violation in his development. Such cases are extremely rare, so do not worry ahead of time, but show more attention and concern to children.