Candles with belladonna

Candles with belladonna are very often used to treat such a delicate problem as hemorrhoids, even during pregnancy. Moreover, candles have a number of advantages and contraindications.

Rectal candles with belladonna

The belladonna is the same belladonna, which has antispasmodic and analgesic properties. Due to the components of scopolamine, atropine, hyoscyamine, and phenol, the smooth muscles of the intestines are relaxed. Thus, anti-inflammatory candles with bellies help to effectively and quickly get rid of very delicate problems associated with hemorrhoids. It is worth noting that most often this drug is prescribed for pregnant and young mothers who face such diseases. The main advantages of candles with belladonna with hemorrhoids include:

Thanks to the use of such candles, you can:

Pharmaceutical industry also produces candles with bellies and propolis, which contribute to the rapid healing of wounds. Thanks to this set of components, candles help to quickly eliminate the disease:

In doing so, they have an antibacterial effect and a resorptive property.

Vaginal candles with belladonna

Today, doctors are increasingly appointed candles for pregnant women. Some of them use candles with belladonna extract (belladonna) for the treatment of hemorrhoids, while others are credited with a drug for intravaginal application. What is this for? The fact is that such candles can help relax and soften the cervix and very often such an appointment is a necessary measure. In this case, an independent decision on the use of candles in this way is unacceptable. This is due to the individual characteristics of the course of pregnancy.

Contraindications and side effects of suppositories

It should also be taken into account that the use of candles with belladonna have a number of contraindications:

The use of candles can lead to the following side effects:

In some women, the use of these rectal suppositories causes a laxative effect, and, consequently, dehydration can occur. Therefore, it is very important during treatment to be cautious and to be attentive to any changes in the body.

How to treat with candles?

To ensure that the effect of using candles with belladonna was the highest, you must make a cleansing enema or try to empty your bowel as much as possible before introducing them. When hemorrhoids need to use candles from 1 to 3 pieces per day. On average, treatment can take about a week, depending on the complexity of the disease. It should be remembered that it is not recommended to use more than 6-7 candles per day, as this can lead to the development of side effects and complications.

Suppositories with belladonna are very well proven and received positive feedback from doctors and patients. About their quality and safety, says that candles are prescribed even during pregnancy. Therefore, when a problem arises, you can safely acquire this remedy, but take into account all contraindications to its use.