Donut dough

Probably, very few people like donuts. Light, airy, sprinkled with powdered sugar - delicious, is not it? Now we will tell you how to make a dough for donuts. Below are many different options. Choose one that will attract more and hasten to prepare a treat for relatives.

Dough for donut yeast



Dissolve the yeast and sugar in 100 ml of warm milk. We remove the mixture for 10 minutes in a warm place, so that yeast ferment. In the remaining milk, pour sifted flour, salt, melted butter and yeast mass, mix everything well and remove the dough for about 30 minutes. After that, we dunk the dough with our hands, so that it is not sticky, it is convenient to lubricate the hands with sunflower oil. After that, put it in a warm place again. That it is not worn, it is better to cover it with a napkin. From the approaching test we form balls and fry donuts .

Custard dough recipe for donuts



In the water, stir the vegetable oil, sugar and salt. Let the resulting mixture boil. After that, pour in the flour, stirring constantly, until a lump is formed. After that, remove the pan from the fire and let the dough cool down for 3-4 minutes. Then drive the eggs and mix until it becomes smooth and uniform. Next, add baking powder and mix again. This dough for donuts is great for deep-frying.

Dough for donuts in a breadmaker



We fall asleep in the breadmaker's container sifted flour, add yeast and all the remaining ingredients. There is no strict sequence, the main thing is that the milk should be the last. Choose the mode "Basic" and the type of the test "Yeast". The cooking time is 2 hours and 20 minutes.

Dough for donuts on yogurt



Kefir is mixed with egg, add sugar and salt, everything is thoroughly mixed. After that, add soda and vegetable oil, then pour the sifted flour and knead the dough. It should come out smooth and do not stick to your hands. Roll the dough into a layer 8-10 mm thick and cut out the mug with a glass.

The recipe for a batter for donuts



Yeast is bred in warm milk, pour the sifted flour and mix the dough. When it rises, add eggs, sugar, salt and melted butter to it. All carefully mix and give the test to rise a second time. When it increases about 2 times, you can cook donuts.

Dough for donuts with condensed milk



In the condensed milk, add the eggs and mix, then pour in the flour mixed with baking powder. Mix the dough, it turns out not too steep and elastic. Then you can form balls from it, and you can roll it out and cut it into pieces.

Dough for donuts with cottage cheese



In the beaten eggs, add sugar, sour cream and vanilla sugar. Cottage cheese is wiped through a sieve or whisked with a blender to obtain a homogeneous mass. Add it to the rest of the ingredients. Pour the sifted flour, soda, extinguished with vinegar, and knead the dough. It should be soft and elastic. We give the curd test for donuts without yeast to brew for 10-15 minutes, and then we use it for the preparation of products.