Than to treat a cough in a dog?

Very often our beloved pets experience the same diseases as people, and the symptoms accompanying the disease are familiar to every person. One of the most common diseases in dogs is coughing . To understand what to treat a cough in a dog you need to put the right diagnosis and prescribe a professional treatment that does not harm the pet.

Symptoms of coughing in dogs

With the help of a cough, the dog at the reflex level tries to remove foreign bodies or mucus from his respiratory tract. This symptom can be manifested in the following forms:

  1. Light form . It is a symptom of flu, allergy or hypothermia.
  2. The protracted form . It is a sign of the following diseases: laryngitis, tonsillitis, collapse, bronchitis, sinusitis.

If cough is accompanied by loss of appetite, loss of voice and general lethargy, this may be a sign of laryngitis. A dry paroxysmal cough and shortness of breath is a sign of a trachea. However, you do not need to think that you can determine the cause of a dog's cough and prescribe the treatment yourself. Symptoms can be supported by other, not so noticeable changes in the body that only the veterinarian can determine. He also prescribes treatment.

What to give the dog from a cough?

To choose a technique of treatment it is necessary depending on the put diagnosis. Here are some recommendations about what to do if a dog cough is detected:

  1. Colds . You can give the pet medicinal plants (licorice root, marshmallow), or use special drugs (glacine hydrochloride, codeine). Walk the dog in a warm overall and warm it with a warm blanket.
  2. Allergic cough . It can be caused by an allergy to synthetics, pollen, washing powders, food products. Assign calcium chloride, dexamethasone or diprazine.
  3. Bronchitis . Prescribe antibiotics and antihistamines. In addition, it is necessary to apply warming compresses on the chest.

In more serious diseases, such as bronchopneumonia and tonsillitis, cephalosporin and sisomycin are prescribed.