A cat's petting - how to calm?

Few people, planting a cat in their house, think about the problems that await them and uncomfortable situations. Everyone knows that the period of sexual arousal in females, in other words, estrus , is rather unpleasant. At this time you can hear a loud, meow, watch as the pet tries to escape to the street and even marks the territory. Of course, there is not much to enjoy in this, so the question of how to help a cat with estrus starts to disturb attentive and caring hosts. The answer to it you will read in our article.

How to ease the estrus in a cat?

This may seem strange, but first of all you just need to pay more attention to the animal. Try to be more gentle and affectionate with your favorite, more often take it in your arms, iron, talk, comb your hair, believe me, it's a little, but will calm and relieve tension.

During estrus, the cat can behave restlessly, mewing without end, sometimes even at night, preventing the owners from getting enough sleep. She accumulates a lot of energy, which you need to put somewhere. Therefore, try to exhaust the animal with various games, fun hobbies, buy her a new toy, this will also help to distract yours from unimportant well-being.

It is advisable not to give the cat much to eat, and to sleep during the day, otherwise you will condemn yourself to a sleepless night, better feed it more closely in the evening, because as tired and full she will fall asleep much faster. But what categorically you can not do to a cat during a heat is to close it in a confined space, punish, leave alone in the dark and scream.

There are times when it is almost impossible to calm an animal, it does not respond to any games, nor to relaxing procedures. Naturally, the most humane option would be to find a cat. If you are able then to deal with kittens, then this only simplifies the task. But how to help a cat with estrus, if the pregnancy of the pet is not included in the plans of the owners? In this case, it is better to reduce the cat with a neutered cat or use special medications that will correct its behavior and well-being.

What can I give a cat with estrus?

The most common, harmless soothing means are herbal infusions, such as Cat Bajun or Anti Stress. They are completely harmless, but it is better to apply them, following the instructions in the manual. As one of the most famous means that can be used for cats in estrus is considered valerian .

You can see on the shelves of veterinary drugstores of drugs such as Sex barrier, Contra-Sex, Stop-Intim and others, but not many are aware of the harm that these hormonal drugs can inflict on our pet. Various tablets, suspensions and drops for the cat in the time of estrus is able to suppress the sexual excitement of the animal, because in its composition contain hormones. Any veterinarian will say that they can be applied no more than 1-2 times, and in no case permanently. The substances contained in them can cause cancer and suppuration of the uterus, ovaries and mammary glands.

Since it is not always possible to help an animal without medicines, many masters use the Suprastin drug to suppress the excitation of their pet. This remedy for allergies, many use in the form of drops for cats with estrus. But, you need to closely monitor the dosage, and follow the instructions clearly, otherwise such treatment can harm your pet's body.

Therefore, if you do not have the opportunity to find a cat for your pet, or you do not want to breed after mating, it is better to sterilize the cat without exposing its health to serious danger.