What to treat barking cough in a child?

Cough - the reaction of the body, manifested by a jerky exhalation, which provides removal from the respiratory tract of foreign bodies, sputum. The reflex regulation is performed by the local receptors, as well as by the cough center located in the brain. It is known that cough is of different types. So, distinguish productive (wet) and unproductive (dry) cough. The latter is often characterized by its duration, can be quite exhausting. Parents are often interested in the treatment of barking dry cough in a child, because you want so much to help the kid quickly cope with the problem.

Barker is usually called a dry and paroxysmal cough, leading to hoarseness of the voice, and also to wheezing. It can be a sign of various respiratory diseases, allergies and a number of other pathologies.

How to help crumbs?

Having found such a symptom in a child, it is not necessary to wait for an independent disappearance of the problem. It is necessary to consult the doctor, and if the baby has shortness of breath, the skin turns pale, the whistles are heard on the inspiration, then it is necessary to call an ambulance.

It is worth mentioning the actions that parents can help in this situation:

Treatment of barking cough in a child with medicines

It is known that you should not give a carapace medication without a doctor's recommendation. But it is useful for every mother to know how to treat a strong barking cough in a child in order to better navigate the situation.

It is necessary to give an antihistamine drug, it will help to remove the laryngeal edema. For example, it could be Cetrin, Tavegil.

If a bacterial infection is detected, antibiotics are mandatory. So, can be written out Augmentin, Ceftriaxone.

If tracheitis or bronchitis is diagnosed in a crumb, then in the first three days mucolytic preparations (Lazolvan, Ambroxol) are needed, and then, when the cough goes into the wet, expectorants (Gedelik, Licorice Root ).

With pharyngitis appoint drugs that have antibacterial properties, as well as capable of removing the sensitivity of the larynx to irritants, for example, Decatilene. At night appoint antitussive drugs, such as Sinekod or Kodelak Fito. Such drugs can be consumed only on the advice of a doctor.

Antitussives with antibiotics are used to treat whooping cough.

To treat a rough barking cough in a child, folk remedies can be used, but they should not be replaced by medication. So you can give the children a kalina with honey, jam from spruce cones, tea with ginger, broth of wild rose. Useful inhalation with herbs or mineral water.