Fast and Effective Dental Pain Pills - Review of the Best Drugs

Faced with this problem, people are looking for the fastest and most effective dental pain pills. To tolerate this is unbearable. Toothache does not appear on time. It introduces an imbalance in the way of life: it destroys the plan, breaks sleep and undermines health. This problem requires an urgent solution.

Why do my teeth hurt?

Such a problem can be caused by various provocateurs. There are following dental reasons for toothache:

  1. Thinning of enamel and exposure of dentin. There is an acute reaction to temperature, chemical and physical stimuli. Pain occurs immediately after contact with a provocateur.
  2. Caries - it can destroy the surface and deep sections. Painful sensations are manifested only in the late stages of pathology.
  3. Pulpit - tissue destruction is accompanied by irritation of nerve endings. Pain with such a pathology pulling. It begins spontaneously and also abruptly passes.
  4. Periodontitis - there is a strong inflammatory process with accumulation of pus. In this condition, the pain is intense.
  5. The basal cyst - at the initial stage proceeds asymptomatically, but with its inflammation there is a strong pain. Unpleasant sensations are worse when chewing food.
  6. The wisdom tooth is growing - discomfort can arise suddenly. It has different manifestations - from moderate to severe pain, which has a pulsating character.

For non-stethological reasons, the following problems can be attributed:

How quickly to remove a toothache?

If the attack happened at night or on weekends, and dental clinics that work around the clock around, there will be temporary relief measures to ease the situation temporarily. Here's how to remove a toothache at home:

  1. It is necessary to remove the remnants of food from the mouth, as they can become a provoker of a new attack.
  2. Do not chew food on the side where the aching tooth is located.
  3. If the pain is aggravated by the inhaled air flow, it is better to keep the mouth closed.
  4. You can not do a warming compress!
  5. If possible, you need to spend less time lying down. In this position, blood circulation is accelerated, which leads to increased pain.
  6. In those cases when discomfort increases due to an incorrect bite, it is best to keep the mouth open.
  7. Take fast and effective pills against toothache.
  8. Unpleasant feelings will be reduced by 50% if you massage the joint of the bones of the index and thumbs on the arm located on the same side as the "epicenter of the problem". Manipulation should be carried out with a piece of ice for 4-5 minutes.

The tooth aches - what to do if there are no tablets?

Relieve the condition will help the time-tested folk remedies. When the tooth is aching - what to drink, only the dentist knows without error. If you do not get to the specialist in the next few hours, and the first-aid kit turned out to be empty, you can perform acupressure for several minutes in such areas:

If fast and effective pills for toothache are not available, rinses will come to the rescue. The recommended frequency of such procedures is once per hour. The following self-made solutions can be used:

  1. Salt - a glass of water should take 2-3 tbsp. tablespoons of salt. It is advisable to use the sea, because it has more mineral compounds that have a beneficial effect on the condition of the teeth and gums.
  2. Soda - 2 tbsp. Spoons of the substance must be filled with a glass of boiling water and allowed to cool. Such a solution has an analgesic and antiseptic effect.
  3. Melissa - need 1.5 tbsp. Spoons of dry herbs pour a glass of boiling water and let the composition cool down. This remedy helps dull severe pain.
  4. Propolis - 2 teaspoons of alcohol tincture must be dissolved in a glass of water. This "drug" not only removes pain, but also removes inflammation, and also accelerates the process of regeneration of damaged tissues.
  5. Chamomile pharmacy - 3 tbsp. spoons inflorescences need to pour a glass of water and cook for 2 minutes. After the decoction is removed from the plate, cool and filter. Before use, it should be enriched with 1 teaspoon of honey. This drug has a strong anti-inflammatory and mild analgesic effect.
  6. Oak bark - you need to take 20 g of raw materials, pour a glass of water and cook for about 20 minutes. After that, the broth should be cooled and filtered. Before use, the formulation should be diluted with chilled boiled water until the original volume is obtained. This tool not only anesthetizes, but also has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect.

If fast and effective tablets from toothache are absent, aromatic oils will help to remove unpleasant sensations. It is necessary to drop a little of this "preparation" on a cotton swab and apply a compress to the affected area for 5-7 minutes. Such essential oils can be used:

What kind of pills help with toothache?

There are many medications that can quickly stop unpleasant sensations. Before taking this or that drug from a toothache, you need to understand for yourself a few important points:

  1. The use of medicines at home gives only temporary relief. Even the most powerful painkillers with toothache are not relieved from going to the dentist. To delay with a visit to the doctor is not necessary, because then the situation will be further aggravated.
  2. Virtually all medications, including the most effective dental pain pills, have side effects. More often the list of possible reactions of an organism is much more, than the list of indications to use. For this reason, patients should not self-medicate. This will protect them from the risk of side effects. All appointments should be done by the doctor (in urgent cases remotely). He will help to choose the right medicine so that the patient does not risk his health.
  3. After taking the first pill that did not give the expected result, do not immediately drink a second or third. The desired effect of this drug will not, but the liver will suffer from such a quantity of medication.

Anti-inflammatory pills with toothache

The medicines of this group have a complex effect. Anti-inflammatory drugs from toothache, in addition to their main purpose, still anesthetize and remove heat. Triple action is achieved by blocking the production of prostaglandins. These substances are regulators of inflammation, therefore, not only the process itself decreases, but the pain subsides. Most often, these tablets are given in this group:

Analgesics for toothache

These drugs are real "intellectuals." They act directly on the painful focus, suppressing both muscle tension and heat. The effect of their use is temporary. Such anesthetic tablets are often prescribed for toothache:

Which pills are better for a toothache?

Each organism has its own characteristics. The degree of pain threshold also varies. For some, these are intolerable sensations, but for others they are bearable. Various preparations can be used, and what tablets from a toothache is better, a dentist will recommend. He will assess the nature and intensity of the defeat, and then make an appointment. The best pills for toothache are prescribed taking into account the following factors:

  1. If discomfort is poorly expressed, you can take antispasmodics or analgesics, for example, Spasmyl.
  2. With intense pain in the course is a stronger "artillery". Dosage of these drugs can not be exceeded!

Women in the period of bearing crumbs often face this problem. Not all pain relievers with dental pain for pregnant women are acceptable. Some medicines are even dangerous. During this period, it is undesirable for women to use strong analgesics and anti-inflammatory non-steroid drugs. Yet there are fast and effective pills that pregnant women can use from toothache. These include such medicines:

Paracetamol from toothache

Take medications containing this substance, you need only after eating, washed down with clean water. A single dose for an adult should not exceed 1 g. The maximum allowable number of receptions is 4 times a day with a minimum interval of 4 hours. If the tooth hurts after treatment, it is possible to take preparations containing paracetamol for no more than 3 consecutive days. These medicines are prohibited under these conditions:

Analgin from toothache

Take the drug should only after eating 1 tablet, squeezed with water. The maximum allowable amount is 4 pills per day. Such drugs for toothache have the following contraindications:

Spazmalgon from toothache

The drug is effective only in this case, if the malaise is weak or of medium intensity. Single dose is 1-2 tablets. In a day you can take up to 6 pills. Take the drug after eating, washed down with plenty of water. These effective tablets from toothache have such contraindications:

Ketonal from toothache

This is a highly effective remedy, where the active substance is ketoprofen. Take 1 capsule after eating with water. The maximum allowable amount is 6 capsules per day. Such tablets from severe toothache have the following contraindications:

Baralgin from toothache

This drug should be taken 1-2 tablets after meals, washed down with water. The maximum daily dosage is 6 pills. Such a tablet from toothache has a quick action. However, she also has contraindications, which include such conditions:

Naise from toothache

This drug is classified as a group of anti-inflammatory non-steroid agents. It has high efficiency. After taking the medication, the pain fades for 3-4 hours. To drink Naise follows 1 tablet at a time, after eating. The maximum number of pills allowed is 4 pcs. per day. Before determining which pills for toothache are the most effective, you need to weigh all their strengths and weaknesses. Naise, like other drugs, has contraindications. These include the following states:

Nimesil from toothache

This drug quickly stops the unpleasant sensations and stops the inflammatory process. Like other painkillers, with toothache, it should be taken after a meal. A packet of powder is diluted with 100 ml of water. When the mixture acquires a uniform consistency, the suspension is drunk. The interval between individual methods of the drug should be at least 12 hours. Nimesil has such contraindications: