Obsessive fear

Almost every person in his life experienced a state when a strange thought comes to mind, after some time, for reasons unknown to him, he begins to focus his attention on it and the more you then want to distract from it, the more it affects a person. If the thoughts are negative, then they are transformed into an obsessive fear. Basically, 3% of people suffer from the fact that their obsessive thoughts grow into fear.

Over time, some people independently come up with special methods for themselves that help to alleviate their condition. And these, the so-called rituals, become a necessity for them, which can lead to the emergence of a neurosis of compulsive states. The obsessive state of fear, as a rule, develops in a sensitive person, which, in turn, is very demanding in relation to itself. It is believed that the high demands that she makes on herself motivate her, at the first appearance of thoughts that in her opinion are considered negative and frightening her, to start blocking them.

Fear is a person's reluctance to get into a certain situation that can harm him. Depending on the degree of both usual and obsessive fear, the person's well-being depends. In some cases, this can lead to a decline in strength, in others - to mental disorders.

Here is an example of some obsessive fears, also called phobias:

  1. Obsessive fear of death. The factors that most often cause this phobia depend on the age category in which the person is. Thus, studies show that there are four phases of the manifestation of the fear of death: between the ages of 4 to 6, 10 to 12, 17 to 24 years and 35 to 55 years. It is noted that elderly people do not suffer from obsessive fear of death.
  2. Sociopathy. About 13% of people suffer from this obsessive fear of fear of public speaking. The cause of this fear is usually low self-esteem, the presence of small communication skills.

How to get rid of obsessive fears?

  1. Before your eyes, keep a picture of your fear. Accept all emotions, which you will experience during contemplation on it. Look at your fear in your eyes.
  2. Do sports exercises. They burn an excess of adrenaline, because of which your brain creates obsessive fears.
  3. Accept yourself with all your pros and cons. Recognize yourself as one whole. Do not be afraid of your manifestations. Live in harmony with your consciousness and then the fears themselves will disappear.

Do not forget that life is too short to intimidate yourself with all sorts of thoughts. Enjoy every moment and develop a habit of soaping positively.