How to take Glucophage for weight loss?

To throw off those extra pounds, not doing much for this, many want. Today on sale you can find special drugs for weight loss, and some of them, designed to treat specific diseases, have similar side effects, which also attract losing weight. How to take a glucosephase for weight loss , which is recommended for admission to diabetics, will be discussed in this article.

How correctly to take Glucophage?

This drug contains the active substance metformin, which prevents the absorption of carbohydrates into the blood. And if glucose does not get into the body, it will not respond with the production of an insulin hormone responsible for converting sugar into fat. Thus, a person can regale his favorite buns and not gain weight, and if he takes a diet and excludes from the diet muffins and sweets, then the body will have nothing to gain energy from accumulated fats, that is, lose weight.

In addition, glucosephase for weight loss reduces appetite, and how to drink it will be described below. The drug has contraindications and side effects, so the dose should be minimal - 500 mg. It is necessary to take the glucofrage for weight loss in a way that all supporters of the fight against excess weight do: 2-3 times a day during a meal or immediately after its end, with enough water. Those who are interested in how long it takes to take glucose is worth noting that no more than 3 months. After that, it is recommended to take the same break and resume the course.

It must be remembered that with such treatment it is impossible to starve, drink alcohol and engage in heavy physical labor. This medicine is not combined with diuretics, drugs and vitamins , which contain iodine. However, it is necessary to load your body.