Weakness in the hands - causes

Many people are familiar with the feeling of sudden or growing weakness in their hands. During such "bouts" it is impossible even to keep a cup of tea, but, as a rule, they end very quickly. Consider why there is weakness in the hands, and whether its causes are related to the diseases.

The main causes of weakness in the hands

If you rarely and briefly have weakness in your hands, the reasons for this phenomenon can be quite harmless. For example, many people have a slight tingling and a restriction of mobility with prolonged compression of nerves and vesicles. Also there are such unpleasant sensations as a result:

In these cases, weakness occurs immediately after a change in the position of the limb.

Weakness in the hands of various diseases

Does weakness occur very often and do not last long? Chronic numbness and mobility restriction is not the norm. In these cases, it is necessary to find out why there is weakness in the hands, since this may be a symptom of serious diseases.

Most often this state indicates:

The causes of weakness in the left arm are stroke, vegetovascular dystonia and various diseases of the heart or coronary vessels.

Also, this phenomenon can be observed in diseases of the left kidney, spleen or in the curvature of the spinal column. It can also be the result of emotional overload.

The main causes of weakness in the right arm are osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, spondylosis or nerve damage of the shoulder plexus. This condition occurs with various infectious diseases, obliterating atherosclerosis or thromboangiitis. If the limitation of mobility and numbness appear gradually (for a week, a month or even a year), they are most likely caused by a lesion of the neuromuscular system, the brain or spinal cord.

A bruise, a dislocation, a fracture and other wrist injuries are common causes of weakness in the hands. It appears, as the damage disturbs the blood supply in this area. Also, this condition is typical for the inflammatory process or infections in nearby tissues.