The effect of alcohol on the human body

Several centuries ago, drinking alcohol was considered quite normal and natural, it was impossible to imagine a dinner without mugs with ale or glasses with wine. With the development of medicine, doctors in the 19th century proved that alcohol has a negative effect on the human body and is addictive. The action of alcohol substances is disastrous for almost all organs and systems.

The use of alcohol leads, in the first place, to a disorder of the nervous system, that is, a person suffers from a dream, the oppressed state prevails, and there is often a sad mood. People who are addicted to alcohol experience tremors of the hands, in the absence of alcohol - increased nervous excitability.

Nerve cells are sensitive to alcohol, their oppression at the time of taking alcohol leads to a slowing of the nervous system. The negative influence alcohol has on memory, because due to the violation of nerve conduction, a person in a state of intoxication can not remember where he comes from and what his name is. Even when a man or woman dies off after intoxication, retrograde amnesia occurs, i. people can not remember what happened on a "merry" evening.

Negative manifestations of the effects of alcohol are manifested the next day. Many people have headaches, tk. cells of the brain are most sensitive to toxins, and alcohol is just a poison for the human body. Headaches are also caused by a sharp spasm of blood vessels, because alcohol first dilates the peripheral vessels, and after a few hours they reflex spasmodically.

Numerous studies of medical specialists in the field of reproductive function of the female body have demonstrated an unambiguous negative effect of alcohol on pregnancy. Women who consume alcohol before conception, destroy genetic information in the follicles, so children are subsequently born with deformities and lag behind in psychophysical development. The intake of alcohol during pregnancy leads to the fact that alcohol substances penetrate the placental barrier and negatively affect the fetus, suppressing the development of the nervous system.

Effect of alcohol on various organs and systems

Getting into the body, alcohol begins to be absorbed already in the stomach, so slight intoxication is observed in a few minutes after drinking a glass.

Different alcoholic drinks unequally affect the blood composition, so daily intake of 50 ml of red wine leads to an increase in the synthesis of red blood cells and, consequently, the level of hemoglobin increases, the function of oxygen transfer improves.

Alcoholic beverages with a high concentration of alcohol substances (40% or more) adversely affect white blood cells. Even a small fraction of alcohol contained in the blood can kill lymphocytes, so alcohol has a negative effect on immunity .

However, there are also positive aspects of the harmful effects of alcohol on living cells. For example, by rubbing the skin with alcohol wipes, it is possible to neutralize pathogenic microorganisms.

Alcoholic substances, the body, as well as from other toxins, gets rid of mainly through the liver. This organ acts as a filter, thanks to the unique structure of hepatocytes, toxic substances are absorbed in the liver tissue and then with bile are excreted into the intestine already in a neutral state. Frequent intake of alcohol has a harmful effect on liver cells, since some of the hepatocytes die from alcohol, and new ones do not have time to regenerate. Gradually, the liver tissue is replaced with connective fibers, cirrhosis is formed and the body stops performing its basic functions.

When alcohol breaks down, a substance is formed in the liver - acetaldehyde, which depresses the pancreas. Alcohol has a negative effect on the pancreas, because activates the production of enzymes, but the amount of pancreatic juice produced does not increase. Concentrated juice causes irritation of the walls of the organ, which leads to the development of chronic pancreatitis and often this process is irreversible.