
The meaning of the word exaltation is explained by psychologists as a tendency to pronounced outbursts of emotions. These emotions are usually caused by both positive and negative factors and for other people they can be completely insignificant.

Accentuation of character - exaltation

Strongly expressed features of an exalted temperament are close to psychopathy. This feeling could be called a temperament of happiness and anxiety and compare the psychosis of these two feelings, accompanied by sharp mood swings.

But often the exaltation manifests itself, without accompanying mental disorders. In this case, we should not talk about it as a disease, rather it is just a character trait.

Emotional Exaltation

Exalted people are maximalists, they react to life much more emotionally than others. They are equally easy to enthrall and despair. Insignificant forms of exaltation are manifested in selfish impulses and self-love. It seems to such a person that he is the best. He is attached to his relatives, worries with them for their failures and rejoices at their victories. Most often, an exalted person is carried away. He loves music, art, is interested in religious prescriptions, is engaged in sports and self-development.

Another significance of exaltation is incredible impressionability and violent reaction to sad events. Compassion and pity for strangers and sick, abandoned animals sometimes comes to the point of absurdity. They can bring home and water the homeless with tea and, noticing that some things have disappeared along with his departure, fall into despondency. Easy disappointment or failure, which an ordinary person forgets the next day, can dislodge the exalted person from the rut. Nervous tension can be read in outward manifestations. Feelings of fear and anger that have engulfed a person cause a shiver, sweat, etc.

How do you know if you are inclined to exaltation?

You are exalted if:

  1. If you are characterized by a rapid manifestation of feelings.
  2. Moments that cause others a simple smile, you cause a sense of boundless happiness.
  3. Insignificant disappointments can throw you into utter despair.
  4. You often use the phrase "I love to madness," "I hate to the depths of my soul."
  5. At home you have many animals that you have sheltered from a feeling of pity for them. To them you experience the most tender and tremulous feelings.
  6. You often just do not tolerate the spirit of some people (co-workers, the young man of your girlfriend, director, etc.)
  7. One act or the trait of a person you have noticed can fundamentally change your attitude towards him.
  8. The creativity of any talented person (artist, artist, musician) shocks you and causes indescribable delight.
  9. You cry, watching a tragic movie, reading a novel, listening to sad music.
  10. You treat all people either with great love, or with deep contempt.
  11. You have a feeling of complete confidence that others are inferior to you in the ability to dress, not so smart and talented, no one can compare with you.
  12. Your opinions, assessments and tastes are often directly opposed to the positions of the majority.

If you are peculiar to the exaltation of the senses - there is nothing wrong with that. If it manifests itself in an insignificant degree, this is even good. You see the world in brighter colors than other people. You just need to learn to be more reserved and not commit stupid actions dictated by your increased emotionality.