The language of facial expressions and gestures

We skillfully learned to lie not only to others, but to ourselves. However, there is still a miserable chance to recognize the truth - the language of facial expressions and gestures , which has not been so thoroughly studied by us, and "not blinking", not all are able to do it. So, we will use the lie detector, which appears directly on the forehead of the interlocutor, and not only on the forehead.


Facial expression occurs when, under the influence of various emotions, these or other facial muscles contract. For our facial expression corresponds to the right hemisphere, and, accordingly, most accurately the facial expression appears on the left side of the face. If the interlocutor speaks the truth, his language of facial expressions and gestures is symmetrical, if the right side does not correspond to the left one, one should doubt.

Positive emotions are much easier to recognize and identify than negative, and the most sensual and expressive facial expression of a person is lips.

In order to learn to recognize the mimic signals, which after a split second disappear from the face for a long time, one should practice and observe people for a long time, or train to express the most diverse emotions with the help of facial expressions in front of the mirror (which actors do). A smile alone can simultaneously mean joy, anger, shame, anger, cruelty and even sorrow.


They say that gestures are not the movement of the body, but the movements of the soul. A momentary gesture testifies to the wishes and feelings of the interlocutor at the moment, and the gesture, repeated from time to time, reveals the character traits.

The language of gestures and gestures is even more complex than mimicry, because there are many more gestures in expressing our mood.

However, most of all women, as always, are interested in love. And if more precisely: "Loves, or does not like?". How often do we doubt the truthfulness of feelings expressed by our admirers, and how would like to be able to chance them to chancely check. With the help of light skills reading male sign language, you will easily be able to shed the truth.

If on a date a man sits easily, at ease, his hands in an open pose - most likely, he likes you. If he rubs the ear lobe, he covers his mouth with his hand - to what he said, he has no confidence. And his boredom and irritation, he will show by crossing his arms on his chest, throwing his feet on his leg.

Any sexual desire is also easy to recognize: a man tries to touch you briefly, hugs her around the waist, straightens her hair, his legs are wider than usual, his mouth is slightly open, his eyebrows are raised.

Still, if you do not trust your man's words, try to "double-check" already at the beginning of the relationship, is it really worth asking, do you like him or not?