The Hall of the Fox

The Fox Hall is the ninth in the Svarog Circle. It begins on March 22 and lasts until April 14. The sacred tree for this hall is the currant. The patron of this period is the goddess Morena, who embodies winter and physical death, and she also takes care of magicians and sorcerers.

The Meaning of the Hall of a Fox for a Man

People born in this period can hardly be called lucky, because their fate will not be easy. Almost all their lives they are in search of truth, but in the process constantly there are various kinds of tests. In addition, not all "foxes" have enough strength to reach the end, so they often go to other "slippery" paths. Despite this, such people are endowed with certain opportunities and great talents . It is important to discover the abilities in time to properly develop them. Being under the auspices of the Slavic Hall, the Fox constantly seek rational explanations for different life situations and even for love. They are able to uncover in themselves feelings that no one else can solve. The "foxes" stand out with their excessive curiosity and assertiveness, which helps them achieve their goals, no matter what.

In ordinary life, they are calm, but sometimes they still strive for certain experiments. Thanks to this, they provide themselves and their loved ones with everything necessary. It is worth noting that people who are under the auspices of the Hall of the Fox are incredulous and this is manifested even in relation to close people. Sly as a fox, they live by the principle, who does not take risks, he does not drink champagne. The patroness of this period, Mara, gives people the ability to concentrate and gather strength at the right time.

In many situations, people born in this period, often show selfishness and in extreme situations without a special remorse of conscience "step over" through other people. In order not to turn off the right path, next to the "foxes" there must be wise patrons. First, this role is performed by parents, and then, a loved one and friends.

Description of the amulet "The Hall of the Fox"

This talisman, first of all, should be simple-minded and too gullible people. Thanks to him, a person gets the ability to correctly use flattery and at the right time to show cunning. It is these abilities that will better overcome life challenges. The charm of "The Hall of the Fox" will present the owner with wisdom and will teach to avoid making rash acts.