How do you find out your totem?

A totem is a certain ancient sign on which there is an image of an animal. There are still tribes where people worship animals, considering them holy. It has long been believed that the totem affects a person and passes the properties of the chosen animal to him. For example, the image of a lion gives its master strength and courage, and foxes - cunning.

How do you find out your totem?

Thanks to the conducted researches, a totem calendar was discovered that allows any person to determine for himself the totem of the animal. In general, there may be several patrons, but the main thing is that they harmonize with each other. Having determined its totem, a person as if gets an invisible assistant accompanying him during life. It is important to understand that not people choose a totem, but vice versa. There are several different rituals, how to find out your totem animal, we'll stop at the easiest and available.

Connection with the subtle world. To perform the ritual, you must go to nature in a remote place. Selecting a suitable glade, light a fire, bring water and face west. Relax, breathe deeply and try to get rid of extraneous thoughts. Then say these words:

"By the forces of the four elements I conjure, my keeper, appear!" I am your master - I challenge you! By the power of water, earth, fire and wind, I conjure my name! My kind guardian, my keeper, my protector, totem, appear! "

Stay in the same position with your eyes closed. Soon a certain image of the animal should appear. If this does not happen, repeat the call again. If nothing happened, then you are not relaxed enough. The ritual can be repeated after you get relaxed and breathe properly.

Signals in a dream . What totem is intended for a person can be seen in his dreams. Sit in bed, tune into the right mood and constantly think about the totem. If an animal came to sleep, then when you go to bed the next day, you should call it.