How to get rid of wireworm in the garden?

The larva of the inconspicuous click-beetle is familiar to many - it's the ubiquitous wireworm that affects different garden crops and among the favorite potatoes, carrots and beets . He does not disdain the weedy grass, on the basis of which one can find a way how to permanently get rid of the wireworm in the garden.

Biological methods how to get rid of a wireworm beetle on the site

Eliminating the garden from weeds, among which the wheatgrass favored by the wireworm, you can noticeably reduce its stock, because the larva of the beetle lives in the mossy roots and is easily removed when hand weeding weeds.

Using this habit of a beetle, plant special traps - oats, corn and other grains, the roots of which become a kind of dining room for wireworms. Tearing out such heap crops, it is possible to destroy a lot of pests.

Before you get rid of wireworms with the help of chemistry, in the spring you should try to sow in the garden in the aisle between potatoes - peas, beans, soybeans or beans. The pest does not tolerate such a neighborhood and will go away from the garden.

The late autumn digging of the earth is a good help, but it needs to be deepened to destroy the dwellings settled for the wintering of the larvae. In the spring, it is necessary to repeat the digging, but already to a lesser depth, since in a damp earth the pest is close to the surface.

Folk remedies, which, as the philistine advise, can help get rid of the wireworm, include potato traps, but in order to lure the larvae in this way it will take a lot of time and patience. On the line stringed slices of cut potatoes and dig them in the garden. Then every 3-4 days they are removed from the earth, cleansing mechanically from pests accumulating there, and then again buried.

Chemical means of fighting wireworms

To defeat the larva of the click, you can use aggressive chemistry, but before that you weigh the pros and cons of this treatment, because the tubers of plants absorb dangerous compounds and there is always the risk that it will get into food. To prevent this from happening, the treatment is carried out before the tubers are planted, so that at the time of harvest the harmful substances are completely released.

Well proven means of "Thunderbolt-2", "Diazinon", "Bazudin" and "Calypso". But the harmless methods that are used in recent years include the "Nemabakt" remedy, consisting of a live nematode and bacteria that naturally destroy worms.