The human energy field

Each person except the physical body also has an energy field that performs a very important protective function. Violation of this shell can lead to malfunctions in the body and serious illnesses. Therefore, information on how to protect and restore the energy field of a person is not only interesting, but also relevant.

Energy fields of man

Sometimes in literature one can find the mention of human energy fields, this is not entirely true. Aura consists of several layers (their number varies depending on the level of human development), which are combined into one general structure of the energy field. Understanding this is important for the subsequent work with your field, especially when using it for protective purposes.

Breakdown or depletion of the energy field can be seen, but this is only available by the psychic. Not endowed with such sensitivity, people will feel very tired , perhaps a malaise. Especially you need to carefully consider such symptoms, if they appear after communicating with some person, there is not enough energy for everyone, some prefer to borrow it from other people.

How to restore the energy field of a person?

  1. The best way to restore the energy balance is rest. It does not have to be a dream, a good, positive movie, listening to music, meditation, bathing. The main rule - no calls, thoughts about work and problems.
  2. It also helps to do a favorite thing, a hobby that will bring joy and energy.
  3. Cleaning is also a good way to restore the energy field. Only here it is not a question of banal washing of the floor. You need to get rid of old and unnecessary things, obsolete thoughts here also apply.
  4. But whatever you do, you will not be able to return the wasted energy if you hold a grudge against someone. Negative emotions penetrate our aura, contributing to the outflow of energy. So forgive everyone, who ever offended you.

And finally, a few words about the protection of the human energy field. Now we are not talking about some complicated techniques, and they are not needed if you do not deal with serious opponents, just a few rules, compliance with which will allow to resort to emergency recovery of the energy field much more rarely.

Try to feel harmony everywhere and in everything, feel yourself a part of this world. Expand your horizons, disaccustom yourself from narrow thinking, since everything in this world has its place. Try to realize that the material world is not the main thing, and therefore to attach too much importance to it is not worth it. Go with a positive, optimistic attitude in life, learn to enjoy the little things and do not hesitate to share your good mood with others.