Polyposis of the gallbladder

How wonderful, when you are young, beautiful, cheerful and healthy, but life is the key. But if you do not take care of your health from the youth, get carried away with different fatty, fried and tasty delicacies, you can eventually earn a very unpleasant sore called polyposis of the gallbladder. It manifests itself on the inner wall of the organ of various polyps outgrowths. It is about treatment, the causes of the origin and classification of polyposis of the gallbladder and will be discussed today.

What causes polyps in the gallbladder?

So, before we deal with the methods of treatment of gallbladder polyposis, let's consider the main causes of this disease. And also get acquainted with its classification, so that later it would be clearer which procedures in which cases it would be more expedient to apply. According to the information of medical reference books, there are several reasons for this disease, and here are some:

  1. Disturbance of fat metabolism. The liver is an organ that does not favor fatty and fried. If you eat a lot of these dishes, then over time the liver begins to not have time to cleanse the body of excess lipids, and they settle on the inner walls of the gallbladder. Gradually accumulating, they form polyp-like growths.
  2. Various diseases of the gallbladder. Cholecystitis , cholangitis, cholelithiasis and the like can also contribute to the formation of polyps. And in this case, the cause of all the inflammatory process. Where the mucous membrane of the gallbladder is most affected, a swelling similar to a polyp occurs.
  3. Genetic predisposition. If someone from the next of kin has a polyposis of the gallbladder, then the probability of manifestation of this disease is great in subsequent generations.
  4. Autoimmune reaction. But this phenomenon has so far been little studied. At one time the body can fail, and how hard it will come out, it's hard to say.

Based on the causes of the development of polyposis, it is classified into true and false. A true polyposis is when polyps are represented by true neoplasms, lipomas, fibrolips and so on. A false type of disease develops when the fat metabolism is disturbed, the so-called cholesterol polyp in the gallbladder, or during various inflammations of this organ.

How to treat polyps of the gallbladder?

Now consider options for treating polyps of the gallbladder. Of course, therapeutic activities are caused by the cause of the disease and by what form it refers to. If a true polyp is found in the gallbladder, the gallbladder is removed.

If polyps arose as a result of cholecystitis , cholangitis, cholelithiasis, etc., then the main treatment is directed to these diseases. Once they are healed, the polyps will also pass. In the treatment of cholesterol polyp of the gallbladder, in addition to medicines, the diet is of great importance. By the way, and with other types of this ailment the diet is part of the treatment, so let's look at it in detail.

Polyps in the gallbladder - diet

Nutrition in the polyp of the gallbladder, especially if the disease is caused by a metabolic disorder or any of the diseases of the biliary tract, should be a fractional, dietary, sparing. From the diet is excluded fried, smoked, salty and spicy food. It completely prohibits alcohol, carbonated drinks, coffee of any strength, any hot drinks. You can drink warm green or black tea, plain water and fresh juices. Also, the diet for polyps in the gallbladder includes mucous soups or mashed soups, mashed steamed vegetables, cereals, boiled lean meat and fish, milk and skim milk products. Fruits are also possible, but one must choose those that will not irritate the digestive tract. Naturally, both the diet and treatment of polyps in the gallbladder is prescribed by the doctor.