The icon of St. Petersburg's Xenia - what does it look like, what do they pray for and what helps?

For believing Christians, the icon of Xenia of Petersburg, which has great power, is of great importance. Before her pray to solve various problems, attracting luck and happiness. It will be interesting to learn about what the dream of this saint is about.

What does the Xenia of Petersburg look like?

There are several ways of writing this image, so, on some of them Xenia of Petersburg is represented in a man's military caftan and this is connected with her husband's military. In the background, in most cases, a church is depicted. The icon of the blessed Xenia of St. Petersburg represents the saint with a cane on which she relied during her long marches. There are also hollow images of the saint and variants, where she is represented bowed before looking at her from Heaven by Jesus or the Virgin.

Icon of St. Petersburg's Xenia - history

From the history of the blessed life it is known that she was married to a colonel, and he was happy, but short-lived. There was a grief, and her husband died, which for Xenia was a huge tragedy. She decided to change her life and turned to faith, asking the Lord for forgiveness for her husband, who before death did not have time to repent. Xenia of Petersburg refused her property and began to wander around the world.

At first people laughed at her, but then they began to notice the mercy of the Lord. They began to turn to her for help and a particularly good sign was the visit to Xenia at home. She healed children and adults, helped advice and changed people's lives. After her death, this was done by the icon of St. Xenia of St. Petersburg, before whom they pray, asking for solutions to various problems.

Icon "Xenia Petersburg" - meaning

For many years, the blessed one was a martyr and performed pious deeds, for which she was considered a saint. There are many examples of how prayers before the image helped to cope with ailments, complex situations in personal life, finances and other spheres. The icon of the blessed Xenia of Petersburg, whose meaning is enormous for believers, brings happiness and well-being to the house.

Where is the icon of Xenia of Petersburg?

It is difficult to find a church that does not have the image of Xenia of Petersburg, because it is one of the most popular miraculous images. The image can be purchased in the temple and placed it at home. Saint Blessed Xenia of Petersburg, whose icon should be illuminated, helps, if you regularly read before her prayers. The image can be hung in a room in the corner opposite the front door. It is important that there are no decor elements nearby.

What helps the icon of Xenia of Petersburg?

During her lifetime, Blessed helped all people who asked her for help with various questions. If a person sincerely asks for something, then the saint will certainly respond to the request. There are several spheres in which the icon of Saint Xenia of St. Petersburg helps:

  1. Many girls turn to the blessed for help to understand the problems in their personal lives, for example, to single girls the icon of Xenia of Petersburg on marriage will help find a soul mate, and for couples will give strength to strengthen relations and overcome a difficult period.
  2. Ask before the help to find a way out in a difficult situation, to attract good luck and achieve success in the desired field.
  3. The icon of Xenia of St. Petersburg helps in healing of numerous diseases, as evidenced by the testimonies of believers.
  4. Pray before the icon and those who are simply lost and in need of support. Even regular appeals to the saint help to cleanse the soul of the negative.

Prayer icon of Xenia of St. Petersburg

There are different prayers directed towards the blessed, in which they ask for help. You can refer to the saint and your own words, the main thing is that before your eyes there was a miraculous icon of Xenia of Petersburg and the words came from the heart. There are several rules that must be observed when reading prayers:

  1. The text is important to repeat without hesitation and errors, so if you can not learn it by heart, then just read it from the paper.
  2. Before you contact Xenia, you should read "Our Father". The text of the prayer is repeated three times.
  3. If you pray at home, next to the icon of Xenia of Petersburg, light a candle, the flame of which will help to concentrate.
  4. It is important to address the blessed not only in the difficult moments of one's life, but also in order to express gratitude.

If possible, it is better to go to pray at Smolenskoye cemetery in St. Petersburg, where the grave of Xenia of St. Petersburg is. On the sheet of paper write your request, and after three times go around clockwise the chapel, which is located there. Near it is a special box, where believers put their letters with requests. After this, it is worthwhile to approach the icon of Xenia of Petersburg, touch her forehead and mentally repeat the request, read the prayer and put the candle at the image.

Holiday icons Xenia Petersburg

According to church rules there is a holiday dedicated to the blessed one, and it falls on February 6. On the day of the icon of Xenia of Petersburg it is recommended to go to church to address the saint with a prayer and to thank her for help and support throughout the whole year. Be sure to put a candle near the image. There are no special restrictions, for example, on other great church holidays. It is believed that prayer calls to Xenia on this day are particularly strong.

What is the dream of the icon of Xenia of Petersburg?

Few people see icons in their dreams, and they need to be explained to find out what this omen is carrying.

  1. Dreamed that in the hands of the icon, in real life, soon learn the long-awaited news.
  2. Put before the image of a candle, it means that soon you will have to feel remorse because of previous mistakes.
  3. The dream in which the icon fell is a bad omen warning of a fatal error.
  4. I had to look at the images in the church, so the only salvation in a difficult situation would be faith.
  5. If the dream of Xenia of St. Petersburg, which is crying, is a bad sign , it indicates that it is necessary to prepare for the tests.