Khachapuri with cottage cheese and cheese

Khachapuri with cottage cheese and cheese turn out to be ideal both in the oven on a baking tray and in a frying pan. And cottage cheese can be present as a part of the test, and act as a component of the filling. Among the proposed recipes you will find any of the dishes. And for those who avoids fuss with the dough, we offer a recipe for deliciously delicious items with cottage cheese and lavash cheese.

How to cook ruddy khachapuri with cottage cheese and cheese in the oven - recipe


For the test:

For filling:


Dough for khachapuri we will cook with the addition of cottage cheese. It must be taken with a high percentage of fat, and preferably home. We grind the product through a sieve or punched with a blender, add the selected egg, salt, vinegar extinguished with table baking soda, add soft oil and sift the flour. We carefully knead the dough so that it lags well from the hands and becomes homogeneous.

Filling for khachapuri with cottage cheese and cheese is prepared as follows. We grind the suluguni cheese through an average or large grater, squeeze garlic cloves through the press to the cheese shavings, add granulated cottage cheese through a sieve or with the help of a blender, drive the egg, put in freshly cut fresh fresh herbs and add mayonnaise or thick sour cream. We carefully mix everything.

We divide the dough into two equal parts and both roll out. We transfer one of them with a rolling pin to an oiled baking sheet, distribute the cheese filling evenly on top, cover the composition with a second layer, close and tear the edges and send it to a hot oven. After forty minutes of staying at a temperature of 190 degrees, khachapuri will brown and be ready.

Khachapuri from pita bread with cheese and cheese



One lavash is torn into arbitrary slices and soaked in a mixture of eggs and yogurt, having salted it to taste and seasoned with pepper. We grate the sausage cheese on the grater, mix the shavings with the cottage cheese rubbed through the sieve, add salt and pepper the filling. Now lay the second lavash with one edge in an oiled form and alternately lay layers of curd cheese filling with cheese and soaked in kefir and egg slices of the second lavash. We cover the product with the second free edge of the whole pita bread, grease lazy khachapuri with the remains of eggs and yogurt and send it to bake in a heated oven for 185 degrees for half an hour.

Khachapuri with cottage cheese and cheese in a frying pan - recipe


For the test:

For filling:


Mix in the bowl all the ingredients for the dough and mix it well. The resulting com is left under the towel for about twenty minutes, and in the meantime we start to fill. We grind the hard and sausage cheese and mix the shavings with the cottage cheese, pepper and greens.

Separate the flour dough for eight servings and roll each to get approximately the same not too thin flat cakes, put on four of them stuffing from cottage cheese and cheese, cover with the remaining cakes and patch the edges. We roll very carefully each piece with a rolling pin and send it to a slightly oiled heated pan for baking, browning them on both sides on a fire slightly below the middle under the lid for three minutes each.