How to grow carrots - secrets

Carrots are a very necessary vegetable for a person. It contains a large number of vitamins, minerals and beta-carotene, necessary for the assimilation of vitamin A. They have been growing it for a long time. For all this time gardeners have revealed some secrets how to grow carrots so that it is large and sweet. With some of them you will get acquainted with this article.

Growing carrots - little secrets

Each crop grown in the garden has its own preferences in its neighbors, location, and soil. Before planting carrots, you should familiarize yourself with the recommendations of experienced gardeners:

  1. To ensure that no carrot fly has settled on the beds, it is worthwhile to plant a bow in the aisle.
  2. For planting carrots should choose the place where last year they grew potatoes, as well as early cabbage and cucumbers. Change the location is necessary every 2-3 years.
  3. Do not choose a site with stony or clay soil. Heavy chernozems also do not fit. Best of all, it grows on drained peat bogs, light sandy loamy or humus-rich soils. The chosen place should be prepared in the autumn: dig, select weeds and stones, make fertilizers.
  4. During the whole period of growth of carrots, a lot of sun is needed (especially at the time of seed germination), since under shading conditions it grows poorly. Do not be afraid to take for it a permanently sunny place, because it is drought-resistant.
  5. For seeding, it is better to use fresh seeds, then the germination will be better than in 3-4-year-olds. To increase the number of shoots, planting material can be pre-soaked in vodka for 10-15 minutes, then dried and sown. You can also water the beds with boiling water, cover with seeds, smooth and cover with a film until the shoots appear.
  6. For carrots, it is very important to properly watering, so that there is no overmoistening and drying out, as this strongly affects the taste of carrots. In the first month after the appearance of crops, it is necessary to water at a rate of 3 liters per 1 m2, starting with the second - 10 liters, and in the period of root growth - 20 liters. 1.5 months before harvest, watering should be reduced.
  7. To get a good carrot, it must be twice broken. As a result, the distance between the bush should be about 5 cm. It is better to conduct this procedure after watering.

Using these recommendations, how to grow carrots, you can get a good harvest of this vegetable, and this process will not require much effort.