Diet in chronic renal failure - compliance and menu rules

The condition caused by impaired renal function under the influence of other diseases of the body (kidneys, cardiovascular system, etc.) -chronic renal failure (CRF). Even at the initial stage of its occurrence, it is necessary to adjust your diet and adhere to a certain diet, because it is proper nutrition that helps maintain the body.

Diet in chronic renal failure

All nutrition, appointed in the course of the KNP, is based on the basic principles:

The diet for HNP and diabetes mellitus has its own nuances, which require special care. Particular attention should be given to the list of compulsory products, as it includes sweets, sweets and sugar. Because of this, the diet for HNP needs additional control of a specialist, because a patient can have a significant increase in blood sugar.

Diet for HNP - products

Dietary nutrition in the case of HNP requires lists of permitted and prohibited foods. Categorically not all smoked meat, salty snacks, cereals, pasta, legumes, foods rich in purine and oxalic acid, mushrooms, etc. Should be discarded drinks containing alcohol and caffeine (including strong tea). Despite the fact that it is necessary to eat fruits and vegetables, some of them are prohibited: prunes, bananas, dried apricots, raisins, apricots, turnips, garlic, radish and radish.

Mandatory food for the KhNP must include vegetarian soups , lean meats and fish, sweets, bread with bran based on corn flour (or other protein-free flour), etc. In beverages, preference should be given to the diluted juices and broth of dogrose. Spices play an important role in proper nutrition. It is necessary to pay attention to black and fragrant pepper, vanillin, clove, cinnamon and bay leaf.

Low protein diet in cases of HNP

The protein-free diet in the case of HNP is widely applicable in the practice of treating the disease, since it implies a reduction in the risk of complications. It is also prescribed in case of severe intoxication from uremia with the impossibility of timely treatment with the device "artificial kidney". In cases where a protein-free diet is prescribed, the nutrition can take the following form:

Diet for HNP - menu for the week

Diet in renal failure, the menu of which provides a large number of different products to maintain energy balance, should be planned in advance. It is best to pre-paint the entire diet for a few days, ideally - for a week. The menus include:

  1. In the morning, it is recommended to eat light meals with a minimum protein content: omelette with herbs, curd casseroles, milk porridge, fruit and vegetable salads. Drink everything is recommended tea with lemon.
  2. In the lunchtime complex nutrition is provided. You can prepare various variations of vegetarian soups and borsch on the basis of vegetable broth, boiled chicken with milk sauce (the bird can be replaced with fish or low-fat meat), boiled potatoes or rice. From drinks preference is given to jelly, juices and compotes of dried fruits.
  3. If a diet is prescribed for kidney failure, the dinner menu can contain milk porridge, vegetable patties and fritters. Must be present sweet tea.

Diet in renal failure - recipes

In order to maintain proper nutrition in cases of HNP, recipes should not contain prohibited products from the above list. One of the easiest to prepare dishes are carrot chops. Prepare them simply:


  1. Boil the carrots. Cool it, peel it and finely chop.
  2. Add half of the mango, sugar and salt.
  3. Knead the dough and form cutlets. Roll them in the manga.
  4. Roast on vegetable oil - 3 minutes on one side and 10 on the other, after lowering the fire and covering the frying pan with a lid.
  5. Before serving, add a dressing of sour cream with greens.