Viral peritonitis of cats

The disease is quite dangerous, because even today the methods of treatment do not give comforting results. It all starts with the ingestion of animal crowns . These viruses can later be transformed into a variety of diseases. One of the main is just a viral peritonitis of cats. In this case, the mucous membranes of the intestine of the animal are affected. The danger lies in the fact that the disease is transmitted from the animal to the animal, if they are kept in the same house and use one toilet . But the most terrible thing is that the cronovirus mutates into a dangerous infectious form individually for each cat, and it can not infect others with this virus. It turns out that each time the treatment scheme will be different.

Viral peritonitis of cats - symptoms

Very attentive should be the breeders, who contain several breeds of cats at once and there is a possibility that the kittens come off in one tray. The thing is that the lethal outcome in a short time is very sad, but not the worst. There are cases when the animal's immune system breaks the virus and the disease turns into suffering remission - a chronic form of the flow, when the cat looks quite normal.

Pay attention to the behavior and well-being of your animal. Viral peritonitis in cats has the following symptoms:

Viral peritonitis in cats - treatment

In viral peritonitis, cats use a comprehensive approach. The first thing is prescribed antibiotics, depending on the weight and stage of the disease of the pet. Also, you have to do a puncture of the abdominal cavity and remove the collected liquid from it, to ease the animal's condition a little.

In parallel, symptomatic therapy is prescribed. The pet is prescribed painkillers that support the cardiovascular system. In severe cases, it is necessary to resort to blood transfusion.

Also, a cat is prescribed a special diet. As a rule, it is transferred to a facilitated digestion with additional vitamins. If it is an acute form, in the first hours it is important to apply cold to the abdomen. Then, steroids are prescribed in combination with chemotherapy.

The vaccine against viral peritonitis of cats is the only, but rather illusive, hope today, to protect your pet. Primortsele is the only preventive drug, but in its effectiveness so far no one is convinced by one hundred percent. In fact, the animal is injected with a weakened virus, which can only spread in the upper respiratory tract. As a result, the animal should develop immunity in the mucous membranes. But here there are complications: the vaccine can only be used from 16-year-old age (so that kittens are not protected in 6-7 weeks), the degree of protection is affected by the geographic region of the pet's living, and the degree of protection adjacent to the infected animals no more than 75%.

Viral peritonitis in cats is transmitted to humans?

Quite often the opinion is expressed that this virus in cats is similar to the human immunodeficiency virus, and some sources call it AIDS-like. No wonder that immediately formed the myth that viral peritonitis of cats is transmitted to humans.

In fact, everything is much more optimistic. It's just that the crone virus is very susceptible to mutation, and its forms actually depress the immune system. Actually, this all the similarity and connection with AIDS and HIV ends. For a person, feline viral peritonitis is not terrible.