How to feed garlic?

Garlic is loved and grown in the garden by many. But you want to harvest a good harvest, and more. What do you need to do for this? Of course, spend the spring top dressing of garlic. How to feed it, when and what to do, we will now discuss.

Top dressing of winter garlic in spring

Recall that the method of planting garlic is divided into winter and spring. Winter is planted in autumn and garlic, wintering, begins to grow immediately with the onset of heat, so the harvest, it turns out to collect earlier. Spring garlic we plant in the spring, as soon as the temperature and humidity of the soil.

In fertilizing both types are needed. Only winter garlic wants not only spring top dressing, but also additional nutrition in the fall. Usually, the land is fertilized before planting garlic for 1-2 weeks, and after planting the beds are covered with a layer of overgrown manure. How to feed garlic in the fall? Autumn organic fertilizers are applied at the rate of 6-8 kg per square meter, as well as mineral fertilizers - potassium salt and superphosphate.

But the winter passed, the snow melted and the winter garlic began to germinate, and in the period of active growth all plants need increased nutrition. That is why the spring top dressing of winter garlic is started about a week after the melting of snow. Spring garlic can be fed a little later, when the active growth begins and when the formation of ovaries begins. Top dressing of garlic is often combined with watering, so as not to overflow the plant - garlic, of course, does not like lack of moisture, but too much water will not benefit from garlic.

To feed winter garlic (as however, and spring) it is necessary, since spring, three times. The first time - a week after melting snow, winter garlic is fed. Spring garlic for the first time fed with 3-4 leaves formed.

The second feeding time comes two weeks after the first, this time is valid for both winter and spring garlic.

The third feeding, which is final, is carried out approximately in the middle-end of June. Approximately at this time, the bulb is forming, so additional food in this period will have to court. Again, these terms apply to spring and to winter garlic. Just keep in mind that winter garlic ripens a little earlier than the spring one, and therefore, the adjustment of the timing of fertilizer application should be done in accordance with the growth and development of garlic in your garden. The main thing is not to miss the moment of fertilizing, if you do not guess with it, then you can not expect excellent results in harvesting. In this case, small deviations in the schedule of the first and second fertilizing are still permissible, but the last feeding should be done exactly in time. Too early to introduce fertilizers - they will go not to the formation of the bulb, but to the growth of greens and arrows. Well, to fertilize plants with already withered leaves, the occupation is even more ungrateful.

How to feed garlic in the spring?

The first top dressing is made with a solution of urea, taking 1 tablespoon per 10 liters of water. This solution is fertilized with garlic, consuming 2-3 liters of liquid fertilizer per 1 square meter.

The second feeding is done with a solution of nitroammophoska or nitrofoski. For this, 2 tablespoons of fertilizer is diluted in 10 liters of water. Watering with such fertilizer is made at the rate of 3-4 liters per 1 square meter.

Third, the final top dressing is done with superphosphate solution. The solution is prepared as follows: 2 tablespoons of fertilizer is diluted in 10 liters of water. The consumption of liquid fertilizer is 4-5 liters per 1 square meter.

Foliar top dressing of garlic

Experienced gardener probably know about this method, as foliar top dressing. It consists in spraying (rather than watering, as in the usual way) fertilizer on the leaf and stem. The advantage of this method is the rapidity in the assimilation of nutrients by the plant. Foliar top dressing is needed when the plant needs to urgently deliver nutrients. In this case, the concentration of fertilizer should be much less than for irrigation of garlic with fertilizers. Spray garlic better in the evening or in cloudy weather. It can not be replaced by foliar top dressing, it is used only as a supplement. Produce this top dressing twice during the active growth of garlic.