The kitten smells from the mouth

A cat is a very clean animal, in a healthy state its hair does not have a bad smell, and breathing should be fresh. But sometimes the kitten's masters begin to feel that there is a bad smell from his mouth. There can be many reasons for this.

Unpleasant smell from a kitten - the reasons

A kitten aged up to a year often does not have serious illnesses. Therefore, most often from the mouth of the kitten, an unpleasant smell is felt, since it has problems with teeth . Sometimes the baby has an incorrect bite. Therefore, in the crevices between the teeth, food residues can accumulate, which cause such a smell. In order to get rid of this, contact a veterinarian who can help your kitten.

An unpleasant odor from the mouth of a kitten can be caused by gum disease that occurs due to improper feeding, for example, by too soft food. Such food does not clean the teeth of the kitten from the plaque and gradually it can turn into tartar, which causes a bad smell from the kitten. So, you should change the diet of the animal.

Often small kittens gnaw different objects and can injure mucous in the mouth. Inflamed, such wounds can also cause an unpleasant odor from the mouth of a kitten. In the presence of small wounds, the oral cavity of the animal can be treated with solutions of furacilin or methylene blue.

Rarely, but nevertheless kittens can suffer serious diseases, for example, stomach, liver or kidney. These diseases can also cause a stale smell from the mouth of a kitten.

As you can see, there are a lot of reasons why a kitten has a bad smell. Therefore, in order to eliminate this, consult a specialist who, already with an external examination of the kitten, will be able to understand this problem. Sometimes, in order to establish a more accurate diagnosis, prescribe laboratory tests of the kitten's blood.