Aquarium plants for beginners

The aquarist at the initial stage of fishing is very difficult to determine the choice of plants for his pond. The normal state of an aquarium is when all living things complement each other. There are many unpretentious surface and bottom aquarium plants that are ideal for beginners. They are usually selected under the condition of a reservoir and residents who must help us in the care of a small plantation. Our underwater world can be represented by specimens from around the globe with the same requirements for water temperature, acidity, rigidity and the amount of sunlight.

Types of the most unpretentious aquarium plants for beginners


A dwarf species of the anubias species is usually planted in the center of the reservoir. Over time, he gives daughter plants with oval leaves sprouting near the uterine bush. It is characterized by a stable but slow growth. In muddy water, he begins to ache, and at a temperature below 20 ° C his growth stops.


The plant adapts easily to germination over a wide range of temperatures, but it does not grow well in dark areas. Propagates by pieces of twigs, feeding on aquarium organics. Forms dense tangles in which small fishes hide.


The plant feels great in the rays of diffused sunlight. Very badly tolerates frequent transplants, for the same reason does not take root well. With stable mode, cryptocoryne becomes a hardy centipede.


The leaves of the most popular species of Amazon are green and lanceolate. In the aquarium grows a tall bush that throws out the flower spike, with the small daughter plants on it. Prefers organic food.


Presented by several species, unpretentious for lighting and water temperature, which only slightly change its appearance. Vallisneria reproduces offspring, which eventually grow into a plant with very long, sometimes spirally twisted leaves.


This is one of the most common and favorite floating aquarium plants, which reproduces very quickly. Pressed against a stone or driftwood, it participates in the design of the bottom part of the aquarium.

Javanese moss

Propagate moss, fixing it with a thread in a certain area of ​​the aquarium. It is successfully used for both decoration and spawning of some species of fish. It grows under any conditions, changing only the size and shape.

Unobtrusive aquarium plants , recommended for beginners, under optimal conditions multiply rapidly, therefore they require special care, which consists in thinning out. This technique allows you to adjust the amount of light in each corner of the pond. Among other hardy plants, we can name hygrophil, arrowhead, cabomb, cladofor, bacopus and egeria.