The mating of Toy Terriers

Lovely decorative toy-terriers cause affection at the first acquaintance. Perhaps, therefore, many girls dream of having such a dog at home. However, due to the difficulty in breeding and the low ability to breed, the cost of dogs is extremely high. So, the greatest problem for dog breeders is the binding of dogs of toy terriers, which requires a rich experience in the cultivation of ornamental rocks.

Not all dogs are suitable for reproduction. To bear to conceive and bear healthy offspring the female should weigh not less than 1.8 kg. Representatives of the category "show class" weigh about 1.5 kg and are not at all capable of mating and giving birth . In practice, the ideal weight is 2-2.5 kg. The preferred age for the mating of those terriers is 1.5-3 years.

How to spend the mating of toy terriers?

The recommended time for mating is the period from 10 to 14 days of estrus. Since the taichi breed is often bloodless in the breed of the toy terrier (the landlord learns about this with a delay), the moment for the mating is to be determined by the behavior of the bitch. The simplest thing is to check it on a large cable that can not physically tie it. If the estrus has begun, then the dog will be loyal to me and give himself a sniff. With this it will be clear, whether they allow to make a cage. Remember that in winter it is desirable to arrange the breeding on the 4th-6th day of estrus, but in the summer the bitch can successfully knit in both 9 and 15 days.

After all the term estrus is correctly calculated, you can assign the bitch to the dog. Let them play for about an hour, so that they are accustomed and accustomed. If on the first day "love" did not happen, then bring the dog the next day as well. In most cases, natural instincts take precedence.

The first successful mating of toy terriers will lead to the appearance of 1-3 puppies weighing 10-120 grams.

Pregnancy and childbirth

It is very important to correctly determine the pregnancy of a dog, in order to organize proper nutrition and care. In terriers, pregnancy is accompanied by the following symptoms:

The process of the birth of puppies in dogs of small breeds is much more complicated than that of its large representatives. It happens that during childbirth it is not possible to save all the babies, and even the mother may die in case of complications.

In the toy terrier, the delivery is good for 62 days of mating. In case the birth begins later than this period, the dog is clearly pacing and the help of a veterinarian or an experienced dog breeder is required.