Installation of stretch ceilings

Stretch ceilings as a technology of effective interior design of any room does not cease to beat records of popularity among all those who are preparing for repair. The embodiment of all sorts of design solutions, from simple in form and monochrome in color, finishing with complex, with all kinds of shades, allows each room to be unique in its kind. They are perfectly combined with modern design and classics, and their flawlessly flat surface captures the sights of all who cross the threshold of the room with a magnificent top.

The obvious advantages of installing stretch ceilings

Installation of stretch ceilings - will be the right choice and the decision of any interior, and the whole range of advantages serves as confirmation of this:

Important in the installation of stretch ceilings is the instruction for their direct installation. First of all, you need to competently measure the room, then cut out of the film corresponding to the size of the ceiling of the room cloth. The perimeter is surrounded by a baguette of metal or plastic, after which all the corners are aligned. At the next stage, with the help of special clips, a cut sheet is installed, which is heated by 60-70 degrees using a heat gun.

Thus, the installation of fabric stretch ceilings is best entrusted to professionals who are able to handle all the technologies used and who know certain nuances. It is important to take into account a number of design parameters.

Rules and procedure for installing stretch ceilings

At the same time, experts advise to take into account some simple rules for installing stretch ceilings, following which it will be possible to avoid the occurrence of any defects and shortcomings. So, the installation of ceilings is best done after installing the windows, which during work is recommended to cover with polyethylene. Masters are advised not to start the stretching of the ceiling immediately after the wallpaper is pasted, because in the heated room the wallpaper glue can dry. It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that there are no drafts in the room as the construction is necessary keep tightness. Finally, by installing stretch ceilings it is important to stick to a distance of about 50 centimeters to the furniture surface.

Knowing all the subtleties and following the order of installation of stretch ceilings, professionals cope with the task so quickly that the traditional and already outdated method with plastering will seem like an eternity.

More effective, but at the same time more costly will be the installation of two-level tension ceilings. They can differ in complex shapes and transitions, imperceptibly hide all defects and irregularities, play in a special way with lighting, highlighting certain zones and areas. Such a variant of the construction will visually complicate and enlarge the premises, creating a complex geometric interior.