The monkey rescued the puppy and became a foster mother for him!

Another example of self-sacrificing devotion, friendship, love, concern for the neighbor and humanity was shown to us ... animals!

This amazing story has already agitated the hearts of millions and has become one more confirmation of the fact that there are no "foreign children" even among our smaller brothers!

On the streets of one of the Indian towns, a wild monkey saw a small stray puppy being poisoned by large stray dogs.

The triggered instinct suggested that this baby should be saved sooner. Without a moment's hesitation, the enraged animal immediately rushed to attack, well, after the violence against the offenders, the brave savior awoke ... motherly feelings!

Since that sad moment, the monkey began to take care and patronize her adopted cub, like her own mother!

Those who witnessed this noble act of citizens were amazed at what they saw. In order to support the animals, they began to bring them food and various goodies. And you will not believe it, the monkey never even touched the bowl of food until her beloved puppy is the first to eat it!

Today these two are simply inseparable.

The monkey does not let out of his paws the "adoptive cub," even without the thought that he could not be her ...

As the most caring mother in the world, she wears a puppy in her paws, feeds herself, plays herself and even puts her to bed.

Well, is it possible for any manifestation of real maternal love, devotion and care to be at least some boundaries?