Hormonal tablets for women

Women's hormonal pills can solve many of the health problems of women, and also help in family planning. As a rule, they consist of natural and synthetic sex hormones. Usually it is progesterone and / or estrogen.

Hormonal pills for women - indications and contraindications

Indications for the use of hormonal drugs in women can be the following conditions:

In some cases, hormone pills for women are contraindicated. For example, with breast cancer, arterial hypertension, cardiovascular diseases, liver tumors of benign or malignant type, cirrhosis, hepatitis, hormonal drugs can not be taken. Diabetes mellitus, dangerous thrombosis and uterine bleeding are also contraindications for the use of drugs containing hormones.

It is important to know that if a woman smokes, taking hormonal medications is not advisable, as well as with migraines. You can not prescribe hormones if a woman is breastfeeding a baby (usually limited to 6 weeks after birth).

Female hormonal tablets with menopause

In the period of menopause, hormones can not be dispensed with. This is explained by the fact that it is necessary to restore the deficit of female sex hormones, expressed in this period, in order to minimize the risk of menopausal complications. Thus, with menopause hormonal tablets are a means of hormone replacement therapy.

The names of commonly used hormone tablets for women

Hormonal tablets are divided into two types:

  1. Monopreparations containing exclusively progestagenic components: for example, Microlus, Eksluton, Lactitet, Norcolut.
  2. Combined preparations containing synthesized hormones, further subdivided into: